DiMeglio Septic , Inc .
HaMMONtON — at the September 26 council meeting , Hammonton Public Works Manager / Business administrator Jerome Barberio announced an agreement the town made to continue using the atlantic County utilities authority as its recycling service . the five-year contract is valued at $ 198,000 per year and will save the town approximately $ 150,000 during its span , Barberio said . also approved during Barberio ’ s report was town engineer ’ s adams , rehmann & Heggan submission for a lake lowering permit , priced at $ 575 . the council approved a request
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Wednesday , October 5 , 2016 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3
Town approves 5-year recycling contract with ACUA
by Stephen Pistone
Gazette Staff Writer
DiMeglio Septic , Inc .
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from Hammonton Volunteer fire Company No . 1 , which requested a coin drop fundraiser to take place on Oak road , in between Myrtle Street and union road , as well as the intersection North Myrtle Street and Pine road , on October 8-10 . the coin drop will need the approval of the police chief before proceeding . in other news , the council approved a letter from the mayor to be sent to Dunkin Donuts to see if they plan on addressing a problem in which the drive-thru line extends on to the White Horse Pike . the motion was carried unanimously and multiple council members spoke out about the problem .
“ i drive the pike daily . there ’ s really no other point on route 30 that i ’ ve ever seen cars backed up out on to the road , and i ’ m talking from Hammonton all the way out to Willow Grove . So , this is clearly an issue ,” Councilman thomas Gribbin said .
Gribbin said he spoke with the general manager of the store last spring , who told him changes would be made to alleviate the issue . Now , some council members are considering taking the issue to the executive level .
“ i don ’ t want the owner or the manager , i want it to go to Dunkin Donuts itself . i want the corporation to know ... the town of Hammonton is not happy at all with the situation ,” Councilman Sam rodio said . town solicitor Michael Malinsky agreed with rodio ’ s point and said he plans on notifying the franchise and corporation about the issue .
Councilman Michael torrissi suggested a motion to send a revised inter-local agreement regarding a water drainage issue at the intersection of ranere avenue and third Street back to the county at no cost to the town . the original agreement Barberio and town accountant frank zuber thought they were agreeing to stated that the county would “ take care of ” an issue where water was pouring on to ranere avenue from third Street , which they thought meant it would be paid for by the county . Barberio said he and zuber were mistaken and that the current proposed agreement would require the town to put $ 10,000 towards the $ 40,000 repair .
“ initially , they said they would handle it . So , i ’ m saying , let ’ s tell them to handle it ,” torrissi said . town clerk april Boyer Maimone announced the following resignations and hires during the town clerk report :
• accepted resignation of Special Police Officer Nicholas rojs , effective 9 / 2 / 16 .
• authorized advertise and hire
One Sindoni Lane , Suite C , Hammonton ( 609 ) 270-7886 • www . meadowsbridalshop . com between meetings for Municipal Court , not to exceed 6 months temporary , 19 hours per week , no benefits .
• accepted resignation of andrew Griess fire Co . 1 and approve his membership for fire Co . 2 .
• authorized clerk to issue charges for removal of police officer . the following ordinances were introduced and received second readings :
• Ordinance # 019-2016 : amending chapter 204 of the Code of the town of Hammonton entitled “ Peddlers , Solicitor and transient Merchants .” the following were some of the key resolutions approved during the meeting :
• resolution # 127-2016 : the mayor and council authorized and supported the efforts of the Hammonton fire Department regarding the Christmas Parade , scheduled for December 10 .
• resolution # 130-2016 : the mayor and council requested that the Director of the Division of Local Government Services approve the insertion of a recycling tonnage Grant worth $ 35,073.31 into the 2016 budget .
• resolution # 131-2016 : the mayor and council authorized a request to have the county proceed
See COUNCIL , Page 13
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