Trivia Questions from the Town Sesquicentennial Committee
Page 4 • Wednesday , October 5 , 2016 • The Hammonton Gazette
Cancer foundation dinner
HCF , from Page 1 twp . along with the HCf ’ s Walk for Our Neighbors , which has taken place each June for the past three years , the ninthannual Helping Our Neighbors Dinner continues to garner support with each passing year . approximately 285 people were in attendance for the dinner .
“ it has grown every year . it ’ s wonderful to see how each year , more and more of the community are learning about what we ’ re doing ,” inaugural foundation member Laurie Vasquez said .
“ Helping Our Neighbors ” is exactly what the dinner is all about , for not only is the support group fairly local , but so is the South Jersey Cancer fund , the charity that receives the proceeds from the dinner .
Joseph McNally has been president of the South Jersey Cancer fund for 12 years and with the help of the Hammonton Cancer foundation , he said his volunteer organization has spent more than $ 2 million offering various services to cancer patients from atlantic , Cumberland and Cape May counties .
“ You know you ’ re helping your local people … this is like one-onone , and you know the people you ’ re helping ,” McNally said . the South Jersey Cancer fund offers assistance to local cancer patients , whether it be copays on prescriptions , doctor ’ s appointments , COBra payments , gas or electric bills , nursing care and more .
” You can almost name anything and we do it . We don ’ t pay rent or mortgages , but almost everything else . People get overwhelmed when they get this disease , especially when it comes all of a sudden . they can ’ t work , and maybe , they have a partner and the partner has to quit work . then what do you do ? all of a sudden , you have three months worth of electric bills staring you in the face . it ’ s a tough thing ,” McNally said . the dinner featured several large raffle prizes that were submitted by members of the foundation and their families , a 50 / 50 raffle , music from DJ Joe flood , live dance performances from Dance Magic dance studio , live vocal performances from Sam and Layne Mossop and more . also featured during the event was a touching audiovisual slideshow that paid tribute to all of the local residents who have fought in the battle versus cancer .
Meteorologist Dan Skeldon was the master of ceremonies for the event but said his role pales in comparison to the volunteers and cancer survivors who make the dinner happen each year .
“ i actually have a very small role . i emcee a lot of events , and this is a very small role . i ’ m glad to be here , i ’ m glad to help out and i ’ m glad to promote the event , but the survivors that are here , the board that does all the work and the volunteers that do all the work , they ’ re the ones that deserve the spotlight ,” Skeldon said . for the past nine years , the Hammonton Cancer foundation has offered a multi-faceted support system for local residents dealing with cancer . Many of the members of the foundation are cancer survivors , including president David Mauriello .
“ What you ’ ll find is many of our members are cancer survivors , including myself , and having gone through that , you realize the need to have some support system : be it financial or social , or even familial . We happen to handle the monetary part of it . the bills become all-encompassing , and we like to alleviate that burden for some people so they don ’ t have to worry about that part ; they just have to worry about getting better ,” Mauriello said . the Hammonton Cancer foundation has made it possible for
many South Jersey residents to receive up to $ 1,000 in aid , and it ’ s thanks in-part to the tight-knit Hammonton community that always seems to go out of its way to support its own .
“ i think the reason we ’ re so successful is because we are based in Hammonton and how tight-knit this community is , how family-oriented this community is ,” Vazquez said . regardless of how local residents may differ , most share the unfortunate similarity that is having cancer affect them or their loved ones . this shared bond can bring people together , much like it did for the Helping Our Neighbors Dinner .
“ everybody ’ s family has been touched with cancer . i really don ’ t think there ’ s a single family that hasn ’ t had somebody that has had [ cancer ], and it ’ s very depressing ; it ’ s very traumatic . We ’ re trying to work for cures . i just think it ’ s important that we work to help them ,” inaugural foundation member Marie Campanella said . anyone interested in helping the foundation ’ s cause or seeking more information can visit hammontoncancerfoundation . org . anyone looking for help from the South Jersey Cancer fund can call 266- 0616 .
New retail coming to Route 30 plaza
RETAIL , from Page 1 Bank , Wendy ’ s and taco Bell front the property . the center is owned by tfe Properties of east Windsor and has been for about a year .
“ We are known for our quality and hands-on management , attention to detail and care for the community ,” tfe Properties Marketing Director Julia Coppock said . according to Coppock , Pet Valu is scheduled to open in the second quarter of 2017 . Coppock said she hoped they would be opening sooner .
“ it is our first property in atlantic County . the previous owner had already made the deal for Planet fitness . We were able to bring Pet Valu on board ,” Coppock said .
Coppock added that another tenant is expected to be announced soon .
“ there is another significant tenant coming as well ,” Coppock said .
Light renovations will begin once Pet Valu begins moving in , Coppock said . according to piersonre . com ’ s listing for the property , there are three remaining spots available — 3,075 square-feet , 3,175 squarefeet and 22,866 square-feet .
Coppock said the actual available rental space is now closer to 15,000 square feet . the company also states that the traffic count is 22,333 vehicles per day . according to the real estate company website , the population within five miles of the center is 19,797 and an average household income of $ 63,131 .
Pierson ’ s website ’ s listing for the property also states that Walmart plans to increase in size — “ a planned Walmart expansion that will transform the location into a Walmart supercenter .” the website listing also describes the location as “ strategically located in Hammonton at the route 206 and White Horse Pike signalized intersection with multiple means of access from both roadways - 4 miles from the atlantic City expressway .” according to Petvalu . com , the pet supply stores can be found in Canada and the united States Northeast .
“ the Pet Valu family of stores includes Pet Valu , Paulmac ’ s Pet food and Bosley ’ s , and together we are one of the largest retail operations in North america dedicated to providing families with food and supplies for dogs , cats , companion birds , wild birds , fish , reptiles and small animals ,” according to the website .
Pet Valu did not return a phone call seeking comment .
Trivia Questions from the Town Sesquicentennial Committee
Q : Which clothing company became nationally known for its men ’ s clothing ?
A : The William B . Kessler , Inc . company made “ Hammonton Park ” and “ Calvert ” brand men ’ s suits and sportswear . These were marketed throughout the eastern United States and were worn by some well-known personalities . Kessler , along with other clothing manufacturers , employed hundreds of area residents .