The Hammonton Gazette 09/18/13 | Page 5

STREET, from?Page 1 also in attendance, and some of them spoke out about their concerns and posed questions to town council and others familiar with the plan about the project and the trees that were being proposed to be removed and eventually replaced. Town engineer Robert Vettese, of Adams, Rehmann and Heggan, began the joint meeting with specifics on the road reconstruction plan. Vettese stated that it has been a long, challenging process to determine what trees to take down and replace and which ones were healthy enough to stay. He has worked with Councilman Dan Bachalis and Hammonton Environmental Commission Chairman Robert Reitmeyer throughout the duration of this determination process, and thanked them for their time and effort. “The reason why we are in front of the Environmental Commission tonight is there are a number of trees on each of these streets that will be coming down. It has been a long process as far as going through the street trees that are on the four streets we are doing. A lot of these trees are large. We started the process in April and May, waiting for the leaves to come out. We wanted to see if any of the trees that we were looking at might have been diseased,” Vettese said. Vettese is a resident of Grape Street. The town intends on reconstructing four streets that need major improvements. Those streets, depending on the funding received, include Grape Street and the entire length of the road from Egg Harbor Road to Liberty Street; Second Street from Vine Street to Cherry Street; Packard Street from Bellevue Avenue to Grape Street and Pratt Street from Egg Harbor Road to Fourth Street. All of these sections are tentatively a part of the road reconstruction process. In the tree evaluation process, Vettese, Bachalis, Reitmeyer and others had to go through many specifics to determine which ones were possibly diseased, on the verge of dying or posing a problem for motorists in terms of sight distance and other inhibiting factors. The necessity of this joint meeting was to get approval from the Environmental Commission on the tree removals. “So we looked at where they [the trees] were in relation to the sewer and water laterals, where they were in relation to the main trunk lines on each of the streets, where they were in relations to the intersections and some of those trees might have been a problem in terms of sight distance safety. We also assessed how they existed along the gutter lines of the streets and where they were in relation to curbs and sidewalks. Some of the streets have trees that overlap, take part of the curb line as part of the root system and we noticed on some streets the concrete gutters pushed up in some locations,” Vettese said. Residents that live on these particular streets and attended the meeting were given a handout that indicated which trees were being proposed for More than 60 trees to be removed for improvement project Page 4 • Wednesday, September 18, 2013 • The Hammonton Gazette removal, and if they would be affected due to the proximity of the trees to their homes. Vettese also discussed the width of each of the roads and sections that are going to be a part of the reconstruction project. On each of the streets, the entire length of the curb will be replaced, along with the driveway aprons and portions of sidewalks. “Probably around 30 percent of the sidewalk will be replaced and that will be the areas where you do have sections of sidewalks that are currently pushed, evaluated or just not safe or c ????[???]?]\???]?\?][]Y\?[??H?[?\X?H] ?[???\?HH?]?]?^H\???\?H??]Y[?H?ZYHXZ??]H???H?[?H?X????X?Y 8?'H?]\?H?ZY ?\?H\??Y[????[?[^?][????[?[???H??X?Y] X???[????]\?K?H?[??X?\?[?]?\?H?]?Y[? H? ?Z[[??H?]??\??^H\\?Y[???[???][?\??]?[??H??\??[X][H L ??H?X????X?[???]??Y][?^H]?H\YY???[????Y?H?]??\??^H[??\??Y[?[[???\??X?\?H?\???H?\???\???Y]?]\?HH\??H??X? ?8?'?H\?H?Z[????] L\??[??[?  ?H\??[? ?\??[?[?\?\?[? ?H\??[??[YK????\?X?[H]\? L\??[?[?H?[YH?]H[? L\??[??[? ?]\??]?H\?H?Z[????]\?H?]H????\??Z[?H[????[Y\??Y?[?^K8?'H?]\?H?ZY ??[?H???[?[??\?H??X? H?[????[?H?X?\?Y??Y?H?]??\??^H[??\??Y[?[[???\??X?\?H?\? ??RU KQ?]??H?^?]H\?[??[?[?\??Y]???\[X?\? 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