The Hammonton Gazette 09/18/13 | Página 4

GREEN, from?Page 1 nicipality took part in the annual Town-wide Yard Sale. It was a great opportunity on this Saturday morning and afternoon for people to sell off items that they no longer deem a necessity. This event was sponsored by Univers Workplace Solutions and Joe Weissner Realty. It was organized by MainStreet Hammonton. Environmentally-friendly Green Weekend events draw crowds Wednesday, September 18, 2013 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3 ink toners and eye glasses, but we are also collecting for our crayon recycling. All the money towards the shredding goes towards the Hammonton Education Foundation, and of course, that could be used for supplies the teachers need and projects the teachers have that aren’t in the school budget. They can apply for that with the Hammonton Education Foundation,” Hammonton Lions Club president Arthur Orsi said. Susan Coan, on behalf of the Atlantic City Electric Company, donated eye glasses to the Hammonton Lions Club. This specific collection will persist all year One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Lori Galiano was helping her friend sell items at a home on South First Road. Galiano, like many other residents in the town on this specific day, was trying to move some objects that weren’t needed anymore. In the early portion of the yard sale, she was able to get some people to buy her possessions. “I had a lot of stuff that I wanted to get rid of and we are just cleaning out, but nothing real specific. We had some big stuff that we wanted to get rid of with the furniture and the kids’ stuff, as well. We are on the town map and signed up with MainStreet Hammonton,” Galiano said. The yard sale event lasted from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. It was a huge gathering location for people that resided in areas such as, Grape, Peach and Walnut Streets, especially. At the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel carnival grounds was the annual Recycling Central, sponsored by M.L. Ruberton Agency. The Hammonton Education Foundation performed paper shredding for those that needed documents shredded for a small fee, while the Lions Club, Hammonton High School Green Earth Club and Goodwill organized specific collections that focused on the theme of recycling. “This event is sponsored by the Hammonton Education Foundation, and the sponsors help pay for the truck to come down. We charge a minimal amount to get rid of your personal belongings, and business people do a little bit more because they have more to be shredded. The kids from the Green Earth Club are collecting cell phones, the Lions are collecting CONVERT TO GAS CUT YOUR UTILITY BILL IN HALF! Interest Free Financing, Rebates & Tax Credits Available Call Keith Galletta (609) 561-1616 ENERGY CONSERVATION Freeholde