The Hammonton Gazette 07/27/16 Edition | Page 4

DiMeglio Septic , Inc .
HaMMONTON — The Hammonton Parks and recreation Commission met on July 19 at town hall . after approving the minutes from their June meeting , they welcomed Shelley Weckerly to the podium . Weckerly spoke on behalf of members of the forthcoming dog park , a number of whom were sitting behind her in the crowd . She said that initially , a volunteer had come forward and offered to pay for the dog park ’ s fence construction in full . Now that the donation has fallen through , $ 18,000 must be raised by the volunteers heading the dog park plans . Weckerly and other

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group members have reached out to a number of businesses throughout town and are planning to continue doing so over the next few weeks . anyone who gives a donation of $ 100 will receive a small plaque that will be placed on the section of fencing that their donation helped fund .
Outside of donations , Weckerly brought up the idea of enforcing town residents to register any dog that lives in their home . The fee is $ 30 for three years but can prove to be a very difficult thing to enforce . Hammonton Public Works Manager / Business administrator Jerome Barberio said that in the past there were close to 4,000 registered dogs throughout town . Due to cuts over the past few years , the town is now unable to send anyone door-to-door to check on the status of these registrations .
Councilman Michael Pullia told Weckerly and members of the commission that Mayor Stephen DiDonato said any money raised from any new registrations can go directly back into the dog park fund . He also reported that there are a number of town-owned land plots throughout Hammonton that they are looking into selling in the near future . if successful , this money will also go back into the dog park fund .
Members also heard from members of Citizen Staging acting
Wednesday , July 27 , 2016 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3

Dog park volunteers trying to raise $ 18,000 for fence

by Kevin Troilo
GazETTE STaff WriTEr
HaMMONTON — Citizen Staging was founded by Lauren Grasso and Tiffany Travia , two lifelong Hammontonians who decided it was time for them to enhance the community through the arts . Both were working with Hammonton Towne Drama at the time , which they said was a great
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Company . Tiffany Travia and Lauren Grasso originally spoke before the commission at their april meeting about becoming officially associated with parks and recreation . They spoke about their progress since their original proposal and said that they now have an address , phone number and an official website to show their presence . They are also now legally recognized as a 501 ( c )( 3 ) tax-exempt charitable organization , better known as a non-profit . Travia said that they will be hosting their debut show on October 29 at frog rock . auditions for this show will take place on august 14 from 6 p . m . to 8 p . m . at the Canoe Club for anyone who is interested in becoming involved . The commission unanimously approved their request and now recognized them as an official associate of the group .
Chairman Louis Cappucio said that all the local parks are in great shape and have been filled with people every weekend throughout the summer . following an incident at Hammonton Lake Park that included the vandalism of the bandstand , video cameras were installed . according to Barberio , those cameras are now “ online ” and their video feed can be viewed directly from the police dispatch unit .

The commission will host their next meeting on august 16 at town hall . Citizen Staging : Acting and community service

by Kevin Troilo
GazETTE STaff WriTEr community theater organization . However , both felt like the town was missing something as far as its theater opportunities . They wanted to start a new organization that focused on an all-inclusive atmosphere while striving to make their community a better place to live .
Currently , Travia and Grasso serve as president and vice president , respectively . Why did they decide on a staging company as a
See STAGING , Page 12
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