DiMeglio Septic , Inc .
Kiwanis Club , town create “ safe zone ” near police dept .
KIWANIS , from Page 1 bringing the zone to town because
it will serve as an opportunity to allow for a safe environment in which divorced or separated parents can drop off their children for visitation and custody purposes , which can sometimes be a contentious situation .
“ Unfortunately , sometimes , it ’ s not a friendly situation between mom and dad when they ’ re divorced . In the beginning , it ’ s kind of a rough situation . So , sometimes , either party feels better if they ’ re in a safe zone to pick up ,” Young said .
For approximately three months , Young has been the driving force behind organizing the plan behind the safe zone . Before Kiwanis approved the decision to
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fund the project , Young spoke to several Hammonton police officers — including Hammonton police officer and fellow Kiwanis member , Charles Sbarra III — and town councilmen about the parking area , who told her it was an idea that was becoming more common in surrounding municipalities . After conducting further research , Young presented the idea to Kiwanis to see if the club could fund it .
The Hammonton Kiwanis Club is planning to raise the entire amount needed for surveillance materials for the safe zone . Once the safe zone is created , it will be under the 24 / 7 video surveillance of high-definition , night vision cameras . Those cameras will be connected to a live monitor inside the Hammonton Police Department across the street and will be surveyed by the dispatcher on duty , according to Young .
The safe zone will be restricted to a 15-minute parking limit and can be used at any time , with the exception of no earlier than 6 p . m . on Tuesdays due to it being town hall ’ s court day . Young said she believes that due to the technology behind the safe zone and its proximity to the police station , it will provide a much safer way for parents to meet and drop off their children , and in the event that something does go wrong , help
Wednesday , January 11 , 2017 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3
will arrive much faster than in another area .
“ It ’ s going to be recording 24 hours a day with live feed to the dispatcher who ’ s on duty at the police department . That way , you can see body language that ’ s going on . If anything looks like it ’ s getting a little sketchy , you can just send a police officer across the street . It ’ s a close location … there won ’ t be any time wasted ,” Young said .
Young also added that the spot can be used for anybody who needs to meet another person in public and wants assurance that they will be safe . A key example of this is people who exchange goods on one of Facebook ’ s many online “ yard sales ” that require people to meet up . If they don ’ t want to go a spot like the Wal Mart parking lot or the lake park , they can come here , Young said .
“[ The online yard sales ] were our secondary goal because there are so many things like the Hammonton yard sale , craigslist , whatever , to meet up and buy things . Again , this will be 24-hour monitored , so people will know that it ’ ll be a safe area . I know a lot of moms in Hammonton do use Hammonton yard sale , and they meet in the Hammonton Park and Walmart parking lot or wherever . Walmart seems to be where everybody seems to meet , but we
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With the holiday season nowpsssed , Young said she expects the construction of the safe zone to progress “ fairly quickly .” A stipulation of the Kiwanis Club agreeing to fund the project is that they will host a fundraiser , during which all proceeds will go towards the required materials .
On Saturday , February 11 , the Kiwanis Club is sponsoring a “ My Funny Valentine ” comedy show and dinner dance at Frog Rock Golf and Country Club , from 6 p . m . to 10 p . m . The banquet ’ s $ 40 admission includes dinner , dancing , stand-up comedy performances from two comedians , live music from local band InSeries and a basket auction .
For tickets , call Young at 703- 3131 ; contact event co-chair Rhonda Hummel at 820-2904 or any Kiwanis member .
2 arrests
POLICE , from Page 1 Third Street . Reustle charged
Summers with hindering apprehension and harboring a fugitive in relation to the arrest of Jenkins , Jones said .
Jones said Summers was released on her own recognizance .
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