The Hammonton Gazette 01/11/17 Edition | Page 5

Page 4 • Wednesday , January 11 , 2017 • The Hammonton Gazette

School board members sworn in at re-organization meeting

SCHOOL , from Page 1 to my family except for my son who couldn ’ t be here tonight . He is coming in from Mexico so we miss him here and my granddaughter , Maria , isn ’ t here and I promised I would mention her also . I hope everyone will have a happy and healthy new year . Thanks again ,” Berenato said .
“ I want to thank everybody for having us back again and welcome back the staff after a long , well not a long Christmas break , but a nice Christmas break . I ’ m sure you are eager and ready to get back to the swing of things ,” Byrnes said .
“ Again , I ’ ll just say thank you to the board and certainly to the community for their support . Looking forward to another busy year of board service ,” Lyons said .
“ I just want to wish everyone a happy new year , looking forward to another great year and congratulations to everyone who is back . Thank you ,” Scipione said .
Sam Mento III was re-elected by the board as board president . Berenato abstained .
“ Once again , I am honored to serve as the president of the Hammonton School Board . I will continue to lead this board with openness and transparency in a manner that includes all who are willing to work for the benefit of the school district … Looking forward , we have a very busy year ahead of us . The two biggest responsibilities of the board of education aside from policy making are choosing the superintendent and negotiating contracts , both of which are on our agenda this year . We have already began the process of searching for Dr . Blachford ’ s replacement , and we have over 40 applicants and we will choose the best person to lead the district for the foreseeable future . This is also the final year of our employees ’ contracts . The negotiation committee will again work with the association to come to an agreement that is fair but realistic . This year will be full of choice , decision and consequence . And , I will make the supreme effort to do the absolute best for the school district , students , tax payers and all of our staff . And , I am asking all of my fellow board members to do the same ,” Mento said .
Lyons was re-elected as the board vice president by the board . Berenato abstained .
The board unanimously appointed William Donio , of Cooper Levenson attorneys for the 2017 calendar year , as stated in the agenda .
“… as board president and a sixyear member , I ’ ve been to many seminars and have many conversations with different boards and board members and solicitors , you name it , superintendents , and I

Man arrested at WHP Wawa

by Gabe Donio
HAMMONTON — Police arrested David Feltman , 26 , of Woodbury , for making a disturbance at the White Horse Pike ( Route 30 ) Wawa at 12:07 a . m . on January 7 , Hammonton Police Chief Robert Jones said . Feltman was charged by Officer Kyle Ambrozaitis with making a disturbance and interference with public activity , Jones said .
“ Apparently , he was making a disturbance inside the Wawa ,” Jones said .
Feltman was charged on the complaints and later released , Jones said .
THG / Tania Rivera . To purchase photos in The Gazette , call ( 609 ) 704-1940 .
Barbara Berenato ( above , left ), Linda Byrnes ( above , right ) and Ray Scipione ( right ) were all sworn in on January 5 .
have to say that all of them hold Mr . Donio in the highest regard everywhere you would go in New Jersey education . And , like I said before , I ’ m very happy to know that you are here keeping us all out of trouble . Welcome back Mr . Donio ,” Mento said .
As stated in the agenda , the board approved the following letters of resignation from Cheri Spragran , district bus driver , effective January 3 , 2017 , and Luanna Miller , middle school part-time personal care aide , effective January 1 , 2017 .
The board also approved the letter of resignation as high school assistant boys ’ wrestling coach for the 2016-2017 school year from Jimmy Butler .
During the meeting , the board approved Carey Speziali , $ 98,192 ( prorated ), as district acting supervisor of guidance retroactive to January 3 , 2017 , as stated in the agenda .
Folsom Representative John Thomas was absent . The next board meeting will take place on January 19 .