6 | Greenstone events august 2017
6 | Greenstone events august 2017
Greenstone warms up the community
The Greenstone winter drive has come to an end . Thank you to all the customers who so generously donated blankets , non-perishable foods as well as clothing to the centre ’ s annual drive . The purpose of the drive is to bring awareness to people who need help especially during the winter months as the cold nights can be brutal . The initiative also brings the Greenstone and surrounding community together in a common goal and that is to help those in our neighbourhood .
The items were donated to the The Khanyisa trust ; a daily soup kitchen in Edenvale . The kitchen and is supported by other churches as well as various corporate companies in the area . They serve two meals a day to 180-200 people and also facilitate the administration of the employment service and Khanyisa training projects . The home was identified by the marketing team who visited during the annual winter lunch provided at the Methodist Church hall where the evident need for more assistance was seen .
For more information on how to get involved in upcoming projects , please email greenstonemarketing @ telkomsa . net .
Afternoon event in Modderfontein
On Friday , August 25 , Friends of Modderfontein Library will be hosting Robert Capper , a historian and well-loved speaker who has addressed the Friends group several times in the past . Robert is a historian who specialises in English Tudor history and his descriptions of the lives and loves of Tudor Queens have been very entertaining . This will be the fifth talk in his series and members of the public who have attended previous events will not want to miss this one .
This event will take place 1:30pm in the Thornhill Estate Community Centre in Modderfontein . Cost is R20 per person and refreshments will be served . Members of the local community are welcome to attend . For more information , contact modderfriends @ gmail . com .
Eastleigh Primary supports charities
Eastleigh Primary participated in the Change our World for good Campaign . Children received yellow ARKs ( Acts of Random Kindness ) for collections . They handed over to our charities of choice : Edenvale SPCA – Peter Dibetso ( field officer ) and Melissa Bailey ( reception ) received the goods ; and Edenvale Care Centre / Hospice – Mrs Denise Tuffrey from the Hospice received the donation from Mrs Cooke-Tonnesen ( Principal ) and Grade 7 councillors .
St Andrews news
Using the Shakespeare ’ s comedy A Midsummer Night ’ s Dream as a spring board , the St Andrew ’ s School for Girls senior drama students told a South African story that is relatable to all , Midsummer Mzanzi . There were lots of laughs throughout the rehearsal process however , there were moments of seriousness where the cast and crew would discuss current issues and how we can make our country a better place for all .
The # 44daysagaintsracism movement which commenced on June 15 aims to raise awareness about racism and other forms of discrimination in our country . St Andrew ’ s School for Girls has taken the initiative to be a part of this campaign . As integrity , grace and community are core values of our school community , a few grade 12s of 2017 hosted a quiet sit-in , in solidarity with fellow South African youths , as means to reflect on the future of our country and what it means to be a South African .
100g tender calamari strips , served with chips and rice , plus 3 KING PRAWNS ( 180g )
Valid only at Eden Meadows . While stocks last until the end of August 2017 for eat in meals only .
Ocean Basket Eden Meadows l 011 452 3313 Shop No . 38 , Lower level Eden Meadows Centre Cnr Van Riebeeck Avenue & Modderfontein Road , Edenvale