The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 484

For a summary of these bulls sent to the archbishop of Canterbury , to King Edward , and to the chancellor of the University of Oxford , see Merle d ' Aubigne , The History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century ( London : Blackie and Son , 1885 ), vol . 4 , div . 7 , p . 93 ; August Neander , General
History of the Christian Church ( Boston : Crocker and Brester , 1862 ), vol . 5 , pp . 146 , 147 ; George Sargeant , History of the Christian Church ( Dallas : Frederick Publishing House , 1948 ), p . 323 ; Gotthard V . Lechler , John Wycliffe and His English Precursors ( London : The Religious Tract Society , 1878 ), pp . 162-164 ; Philip Schaff , History of the Christian Church ( New York : Charles Scribner ' s Sons , 1915 ), vol . 5 , pt . 2 , p . 317 .
Page 104 . Council of Constance . --A primary source on the Council of Constance is Richendal Ulrich , Das Concilium so zu Constanz gehalten ist worden ( Augsburg , 1483 , Incun .). An interesting , recent study of this text , based on the " Aulendorf Codex ," is in the Spencer Collection of the New York Public Library , published by Carl Kup , Ulrich von Richental ' s Chronicle of the Council of Constance ( New York , 1936 ). See also H . Finke ( ed .), Acta Concilii Constanciensis ( 1896 ), vol . 1 ; Hefele , Conciliengeschichte ( 9 vols .), vols . 6 , 7 ; L . Mirbt , Quellen zur Geschichte des Papsttums ( 1934 ); Milman , Latin Christianity , vol . 7 , pp . 426-524 ; Pastor , The History of the Popes ( 34 vols .), vol . 1 , p . 197 ff .
More recent publications on the council are K . Zaehringer , Das Kardinal Kollegium auf dem Konstanzer Konzil ( Muenster , 1935 ); Th . F . Grogau , The Conciliar Theory as It Manifested Itself at the Council of Constance ( Washington , 1949 ); Fred A . Kremple , Cultural Aspects of the Council of Constance and Basel ( Ann Arbor , 1955 ); John Patrick McGowan , d ' Ailly and the Council of Constance ( Washington : Catholic University , 1936 ).
For John Huss see John Hus , Letters , 1904 ; E . J . Kitts , Pope John XXIII and Master John Hus ( London , 1910 ); D . S . Schaff , John Hus ( 1915 ); Schwarze , John Hus ( 1915 ); and Matthew Spinka , John Hus and the Czech Reform ( 1941 ).
Page 234 . Jesuitism . --For a statement concerning the origin , the principles , and the purposes of the " Society of Jesus ," as outlined by members of this order , see a work entitled Concerning Jesuits , edited by the Rev . John Gerard , S . J ., and published in London , 1902 , by the Catholic Truth Society . In this work it is said , " The mainspring of the whole organization of the Society is a spirit of entire obedience : ' Let each one ,' writes St . Ignatius , ' persuade himself that those who live under obedience ought to allow themselves to be moved and directed by divine Providence through their superiors , just as though they were a dead body ,