which allows itself to be carried anywhere and to be treated in any manner whatever , or as an old man ' s staff , which serves him who holds it in his hand in whatsoever way he will .'
" This absolute submission is ennobled by its motive , and should be , continues the . . . founder , ' prompt , joyous and persevering ; . . . the obedient religious accomplishes joyfully that which his superiors have confided to him for the general good , assured that thereby he corresponds truly with the divine will .'" --The Comtesse R . de Courson , in Concerning Jesuits , page 6 .
See also L . E . Dupin , A Compendious History of the Church , cent . 16 , ch . 33 ( London , 1713 , vol . 4 , pp . 132-135 ); Mosheim , Ecclesiastical History , cent . 16 , sec . 3 , pt . 1 , ch . 1 , par . 10 ( including notes ); The Encyclopedia Britannica ( 9th ed .), art . " Jesuits ;" C . Paroissen , The Principles of the Jesuits , Developed in a Collection of Extracts From Their Own Authors ( London , 1860--an earlier edition appeared in 1839 ); W . C . Cartwright , The Jesuits , Their Constitution and Teaching ( London , 1876 ); E . L . Taunton , The History of the Jesuits in England , 1580-1773 ( London , 1901 ).
See also H . Boehmer , The Jesuits ( translation from the German , Philadelphia , Castle Press , 1928 ); E . Goethein , Ignatius Loyola and the Gegen-reformation ( Halle , 1895 ); T . Campbell , The Jesuits , 1534-1921 ( New York , 1922 ); E . L . Taunton , The History of the Jesuits in England , 1580-1773 ( London , 1901 ).
Page 235 . The Inquisition . --For the Roman Catholic view see The Catholic Encyclopedia , vol . 8 , art . " Inquisition " by Joseph Bloetzer , p . 26 ff .: and E . Vacandard , The Inquisition : A Critical and Historical Study of the Coercive Power of the Church ( New York : Longmans , Green and Company , 1908 ).
For an Anglo-Catholic view see Hoffman Nickerson , The Inquisition : A Political and Military Study of Its Establishment . For the non-Catholic view see Philip Van Limborch , History of the Inquisition ; Henry Charles Lea , A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages , 3 vols .; A History of the Inquisition of Spain , 4 vols ., and The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies ; and H . S . Turberville , Medieval Heresy and the Inquisition ( London : C . Lockwood and Son , 1920--a mediating view ).