The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 483

Page 65 . Waldensian Versions of the Bible . --On recent discoveries of Waldensian manuscripts see M . Esposito , " Sur quelques manuscrits de l ' ancienne litterature des Vaudois du Piemont ," in Revue d ' Historique Ecclesiastique ( Louvain , 1951 ), p . 130 ff .; F . Jostes , " Die Waldenserbibeln ," in Historisches Jahrbuch , 1894 ; D . Lortsch , Histoire de la Bible en France ( Paris , 1910 ), ch . 10 .
A classic written by one of the Waldensian " barbs " is Jean Leger , Histoire Generale des Eglises Evangeliques des Vallees de Piemont ( Leyden , 1669 ), which was written at the time of the great persecutions and contains firsthand information with drawings .
For the literature of Waldensian texts see A . Destefano , Civilta Medioevale ( 1944 ); and Riformatori ed eretici nel medioeve ( Palermo , 1938 ); J . D . Bounous , The Waldensian Patois of Pramol ( Nashville , 1936 ); and A . Dondaine , Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum ( 1946 ).
For the history of the Waldenses some of the more recent , reliable works are : E . Comba , History of the Waldenses in Italy ( see later Italian edition published in Torre Pellice , 1934 ); E . Gebhart , Mystics and Heretics ( Boston , 1927 ); G . Gonnet , Il Valdismo Medioevale , Prolegomeni ( Torre Pellice , 1935 ); and Jalla , Histoire des Vaudois et leurs colonies ( Torre Pellice , 1935 ).
Page 77 . Edict Against the Waldenses . --A considerable portion of the text of the papal bull issued by Innocent VIII in 1487 against the Waldenses ( the original of which is in the library of the University of Cambridge ) is given , in an English translation , in John Dowling ' s History of Romanism ( 1871 ed .), b . 6 , ch . 5 , sec . 62 .
Page 85 . Wycliffe . --The historian discovers that the name of Wycliffe has many different forms of spelling . For a full discussion of these see J . Dahmus , The Prosecution of John Wyclyf ( New Haven : Yale University Press , 1952 ), p . 7 .
Page 86 . Infallibility .
For the original text of the papal bulls issued against Wycliffe with English translation see J . Dahmus , The Prosecution of John Wyclyf ( New Haven : Yale University Press , 1952 ), pp . 35-49 ; also John Foxe , Acts and Monuments of the Church ( London : Pratt Townsend , 1870 ), vol . 3 , pp . 413 .