On the practical outworkings of the doctrine of indulgences during the period of the Reformation see a paper by Dr . H . C . Lea , entitled , " Indulgences in Spain ," published in Papers of the American Society of Church History , vol . 1 , pp . 129-171 . Of the value of this historical sidelight Dr . Lea says in his opening paragraph : " Unvexed by the controversy which raged between Luther and Dr . Eck and Silvester Prierias , Spain continued tranquilly to follow in the old and beaten path , and furnishes us with the incontestable official documents which enable us to examine the matter in the pure light of history ."
Page 59 . The Mass . --For the doctrine of the mass as set forth at the Council of Trent see The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent in Philip Schaff , Creeds of Christendom , vol . 2 , pp . 126-139 , where both Latin and English texts are given . See also H . G . Schroeder , Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent ( St . Louis , Missouri : B . Herder , 1941 ).
For a discussion of the mass see The Catholic Encyclopedia , vol 5 , art . " Eucharist ," by Joseph Pohle , page 572 ff .; Nikolaus Gihr , Holy Sacrifice of the Mass , Dogmatically , Liturgically , Ascetically Explained , 12th ed . ( St . Louis , Missouri : B . Herder , 1937 ); Josef Andreas Jungmann , The Mass of the Roman Rite , Its Origins and Development , translated from the German by Francis A . Brunner ( New York : Benziger Bros ., 1951 ). For the non- Catholic view , see John Calvin , Institutes of the Christian Religion , b . 4 , chs . 17 , 18 ; and Edward Bouverie Pusey , The Doctrine of the Real Presence ( Oxford , England : John H . Parker , 1855 ).
Page 65 . The Sabbath Among the Waldenses . --There are writers who have maintained that the Waldenses made a general practice of observing the seventh-day Sabbath . This concept arose from sources which in the original Latin describe the Waldenses as keeping the Dies Dominicalis , or Lord ' s day ( Sunday ), but in which through a practice which dates from the Reformation , the word for " Sunday " has been translated " Sabbath ."
But there is historical evidence of some observance of the seventh-day Sabbath among the Waldenses . A report of an inquisition before whom were brought some Waldenses of Moravia in the middle of the fifteenth century declares that among the Waldenses " not a few indeed celebrate the Sabbath with the Jews ." --Johann Joseph Ignaz von Doellinger , Beitrage zur Sektengeschichte des Mittelalters ( Reports on the History of the Sects of the Middle Ages ), Munich , 1890 , 2d pt ., p . 661 . There can be no question that this source indicates the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath .