the most difficult healing process of all to initiate. After all, unlike a physical wound which is either apparent to the naked eye or if internal, obvious due to warning signals that something is just not right…our emotional wounds are extremely difficult to access, let alone diagnose.
Had I been aware at the time of the actual definition of healing, and had I considered whether or not my decision to self-medicate would eventually led me to a form of healing based in “soundness of spirit”, things just may have taken a turn for the better within my life, but that was not to be my journey.
When growing our messages for the masses, it is imperative from day one that we seek out whatever courage is necessary in order to “cut and paste” those life lessons which we have already mastered, those hard times that we have already lived through. The cutting and pasting of those most difficult seasons of one’s life is not as easy as many would have you believe, it requires a level of self-honesty that many survivors of trauma are not aware even exists. For many years I was the sole saboteur of my own emotional healing, simply due to my inability to forgive the past and other’s from the past, as well as my insistence on continuing to blame everything and everyone else for whatever I was unhappy or uncomfortable with within my life.
Just as a physical wound requires some form of a dressing to protect the wound from unwanted bacteria and germs, so does the human spirit. Unfortunately, most of us reach for denial, self-