blame, regret, and retaliation to dress our emotional wounds with, and of course these remedies eventually prove themselves to not be remedies at all, inasmuch as the spirit-eating, dream-killing, mass weapons of destructions they truly are.
So how does one know which emotional medicine cabinet to reach within when so desperately in need of an emotional bandage? Well the first thing you should understand is that emotional wounds require stages of healing in exactly the same manner as burns to our skin. Severe burns to the human skin are not capable of healing simply by forming a blister which contains healing fluids, as minor burns can. Severe burns cause damage in varying degrees which represent the layers of skin that were effected during the injury, they require a thorough cleaning first to assure that the wound does not become infected, and in many cases require a daily scrubbing process that is considered one of the most painful processes the human body can endure. The healing process for burns to the human body can take often times months and months to heal, and even after the skin has healed there is pain, discomfort and excruciating itching that can last for years and in some cases…for life. Burn victims upon physical healing must then decide how they plan on dealing with the aftermath of their injuries, for some this means skin grafting or perhaps plastic surgery. There is also the matter of disfiguring that burn victims must deal with, and the realization of what a truly cruel and judgmental world we live in, and the after effects just go on and on.
The healing of emotional injuries is