Salvation through Born Again
2 He also made the creation also
to have freedom and liberty. But
the wicked Satan deceived the
first couple, stole God given
3 and filled the earth with
violence and put the whole cre-
ation subjected predisposing fre-
edom and liberty.
4 II O Presidents and Prime
Ministers! Let man know the
5 Every man, whichever the
country he belongs, is desirous
in his heart to know the living
God the creator.
6 That is why people from
various groups are seeking God.
But Satan knowing this has been
deceiving men from the first day
and is still deceiving
7 and drawing men to the
froward ways from the know-
ledge of God. As a part of this,
there were many religious sys-
tems raised but none could reco-
gnize the living God.
8-9 The wicked Satan is still dec-
eiving men from perceiving about
real God. As written in the Holy
Bible, people are deceived by
Satan’s words : men are seeking
the glory of the incorruptible God
The Salvation is the Gift of God
into an image made like corru-
ptible man—and birds and four-
footed animals and creeping
things and in idols.
10 Behold, men are not seeking
God in proper way, schemed
many traditions and cultures by
the counsel of Satan. Men are
seeking the creator in birds, in
four-footed beasts, in insects, in
idols, and in men.
11 How ridiculous is this! if
people in your country not see-
king you for their problems and
narrate their problems to a bird
or a four-footed beast, or an ins-
ect or an idol will their problems
be solved? Think properly.
12 Surely, they need a person
who can sort out their problems.
How do you feel if your people
count you to be a bird or a four-
footed beast, or an insect or an
13 If your children count a bird
or a four-footed beast, or an ins-
ect or an idol as your father whi-
le you are living, how do you feel
about your children?
14 Can a corruptible man be
incorruptible God? Can the
good works make man holy?
The dying men who spread the
Salvation through Born Again
savor of death (Stink smell) and
worms eating the body become
God. How foolishness is this?
15 It is Satan’s vile thinking in
their dull hearts. Some foolish
poets wrote Man is God. Can a
sinful man be God? Are those
who wrote this become gods?
Where have they gone? They
have gone to the dust and were
thrown in the eternal hell to be
tormented forever and ever.
16 It is written about men that
men are like a vapor that appears
for a little time and then vanishes
away. Therefore, I am writing this
epistle so that you may not be to-
rmented in hell forever by thinking
like them. So take heed of these
17-18 Can a bird be God? How
foolishness is this? Will a four-
footed beast make creation?
How foolishness is this? Will a
worm or insect be God? How
madness is this? Will a man made
image be God? How foolishness
is this? How folly is this? Will the
elements be God? Is house that
whom your children dwelling
build? Or does house creates
your children?
19 About this it is written that - If
The Salvation is the Gift of God
you breathed all beasts will die,
and about the elements - you will
take away like wrapped garm-
ents, and you will fold them up
like a cloak one fold them.
20 Behold, God is showing to
you through me whatever may
be known of God manifested in
His creation. God is clearly rev-
ealing it to you.
21 It is written that - Since the
creation of the world, His invi-
sible attributes are clearly seen,
being understood by the things
that are made, even His eternal
power and Godhead, so that
they are without excuse.
22 No one is genuinely quest-
ioning himself why he should
worship men? Why he should
worship birds, four-footed bea-
sts, insects and idols.
23 Some people defend their
arguments stating they are sim-
ply saying like -we are following
my ancestors’ or countries tradi-
tion. As a result, they are all goi-
ng down like their ancestors into
the eternal hell burning with fire
and brimstone.
24 Through this, you perceive
that God loves you so that it may
not happen to you.