Salvation through Born Again
sprouted evil desire in Eve and
deceived her.
13 God put Adam in the Garden
of Eden, the prototype of the
earth. And to test him,
14 the Lord God commanded
the man, saying, “Of every tree
of the garden you may freely eat;
“but of the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil you shall not
eat, for in the day that you eat of
it you shall surely die” and to
wisely rule the earth and went to
15 As the days have been incorr-
uptible earthly authority which
was destroyed, and handover the
man passing by Satan perceived
that God’s will is being complete
in man, wanted to interrupt
God’s will and plan in the man,
16 realized that he cannot dec-
eive Adam, put a doubt in Eve
asking her - “Has God indeed
said, ‘You shall not eat of every
tree of the garden’?” deceived
Eve telling lies to her that “You
will not surely die. Caused her
to violate God’s commandment
taken her captive and drew her
with deceit, fruit of the death that
is curse. Satan passed upon his
and his angels’ curse to all men.
The Salvation is the Gift of God
17-22 Then God promised that
He would take back the auth-
ority from Satan, by sending His
only begotten Son to the world,
and went up to heaven. After
that, God has been rarely reve-
aling Himself to men. Therefore,
men were deceived by Satan
and terrorized in their hearts,
worshipping artificial images
(idols) in place of God and corr-
upted forwarded their ways. So
God revealed Himself to man-
kind elected Abram from Ur,
revealed Himself to him, chan-
ged his name to Abraham, red-
eemed him from idolatry, gave
him seed, gave Law to his seed,
comprised the shadow of the
savior of mankind, Jesus in it,
23 but when the fullness of the
time had come, God sent forth
His Son, born of a woman, tak-
ing the form of a bondservant,
24 restored the separated relati-
onship with men, He prono-
unced the New Birth, put His
Son on the cross and shed His
holy blood for the redemption
of mankind and prophesied this
through the prophets, and the
25 He fulfilled those prophecies,
Salvation through Born Again
by His death, burial, rose on the
third day.
26 - He did this in the centre of
the earth and proved Jesus to be
the Savior to the four sides of the
earth. Those who believed in His
name, and accepted the scriptural
gospel; it pleased Him to receive
the eternal life to those who are
repented for godliness.
27 O, most excellent Presidents
and Prime Ministers - what do
you think of sin? The sin is - lawl-
28 The first man Adam violated
God’s commandment (commit-
ting what God said not to do) and
thereby became sinner and slave
of curse and death and put the
whole creation to judgment.
29 About this, it is written - For
the creation was subjected to
futility, not willingly, but because
of Him who subjected it in hope;
because the creation itself also
will be delivered from the bon-
dage of corruption into the glor-
ious liberty of the children of
30 Without someone subjected,
how it will be subject? How it will
be subject, without one who
subject, over the earth? Adam
The Salvation is the Gift of God
subjected the earth, and Satan
took over it. The subjected
were descendants of Adam and
the creation made for them.
31 After His fasting for forty
days, the Lord Christ Jesus
started His ministry for the
redemption of humankind, and
then Satan approached Him,
tempting Him saying - And he
said to Him, “All these king-
doms of the world and their
glory I will give You it has been
delivered to me.” But he
rebuked by Him and had eaten
32 - So without one who sub-
ject, how it will be subject? Will
subject? What will be the sub-
jected without subject? The first
man, Adam subjected and the
one who took over was the wi-
cked Satan, then the subjected
thing was all human authority
given by God.
SO o Presidents and Prime
Ministers, when the glorious
God created the first man Adam
in His own image and from him
He made the mother of mankind
(Eve), He gave the complete