Salvation through Born Again
25 II O Presidents and Prime
Ministers; I hope you are follo-
wing my words! There is a begi-
nning and ending for everything.
Likewise, God appointed a time
for the creation. The Law is defi-
ning that sin is lawlessness. When
God created this creation, to rule
this creation He made man with
freedom and liberty.
26 But man lost that freedom and
liberty by the deception of Satan;
it is living God’s eternal will that
the creation should regain the
freedom and liberty.
27 As the generations passing by,
many nations were multiplied
and kings like Nimrod evolved
as emperors and the entire world
brought into one’s hand.
28 This is a resemblance of God
supreme power and man to rule
the world on behalf of the Almi-
ghty God.
29 When the first man was
deceived by devil, the authority
became Satan’s, as the prince of
this world controlled the king-
dom of darkness with his evil
power and vile devices, suppre-
ssed the rulers with murders,
adultery, gambling, drunkenness,
and all kinds of sins and supe-
The Salvation is the Gift of God
30 Thereby the world is filled
with no freedom, no liberty, no
peace; unrest, turbulence every-
where, the emperors filled with
wicked thoughts and haugh-
tiness in mind, giving importance
to idol worship, and some emp-
erors elevated themselves to
God’s place, being worshipped
by men, extol themselves Lord’s
above men.
31 They hardening their hearts
and slaughtering those who do
not comply with their wicked
acts. They torture people, plu-
nder, being slaves to wine and
women, prevailing their king-
doms. Prophet Daniel called this
the age of human rule.
32 Among them, the first king-
dom was Egypt. Then came
Assyrian, and Babylon, and aft-
er Medo and Persia and later
Greece. The Greece was divi-
ded into four parts and one part
called Rome rule the whole
33 II When the first kingdom
Egypt was God determined to
give freedom and liberty to men
and as a resemblance
34-35 One seed of a person
Salvation through Born Again
named Israel came into Egypt
according to the will of God. The
population greatly multiplied from
70 to the innumerable like stars
in the sky and dust particles of
sand in 450 years. God is wishing
to redeem them from the empires
hands of Pharaohs.
36 As they were living as slaves
in Egypt God then raised Moses
as a resemblance to the spiritual
redeemer, he was a learned in all
the wisdom of the Egyptians, and
was mighty in words and deeds.
37 Moses by God’s power perf-
ormed many signs and wonders
before Pharaoh, yet he hardened
his heart and
38 refused to give freedom and
liberty to that slavery Israelites,
asked with pride that - who is
your God? I don’t know Him?
So God decided to strike off Ph-
araoh’s authority and said to him
- For this very purpose I have
raised you up, that I may show
My power in you, and that My
name may be declared in all the
earth”, smashed their harvest,
cattle, military, finance system
like one who crushed the corn
and killed the first born of the
country except that of Israelites.
The Salvation is the Gift of God
However, the Israelites perc-
eived the sacrifice of Christ’s
crucifixion of a lamb as a fore
39 God then loosed their slav-
ery fetters, caused the Pharaohs
to send them out of their coun-
try, gave them freedom and
liberty, proved to be their Savi-
or, the living God who gives the
true freedom and blessed the
Israelites to be a blessing to the
whole world.
40 II The author of liberty and
freedom prepared again to free
the whole humankind from
slavery, and decided to give
every nation freedom,
41 when God decided to give
them true freedom and liberty,
yet they rebelled against Him
many time in the wilderness,
worshipped idols made by the-
mselves, yielded in drunkenn-
ess, adultery and fornication.
Seeing this God angered upon
them and killed thousands of
them in the wilderness.
42 After they entered the land
promised to their ancestors,
God wanted them not to be
wholly corrupted and gave them
the Law through Moses in the