Salvation through Born Again
kingdom of God and fulfilling will
of the God,
18 do your efforts for the expan-
sion of the glories kingdom of
God, Athaliah’s and Jezebels are
multiplied and they are stealing
the glory and honor of God.
19-20 Remember that the per-
petual judgment given for them
will not go waste. Like Esther
who decorates herself with mee-
kness and covering on her head
and standing before her husband,
21 and had the eligibility of me-
rcy, like that Esther you also sho-
uld be.
22 She behaved as per the will
of the God and got the victory
upon enemy.In these last days,
so many are behaving like the
sisters of Oholibah.
23 You should far away from
such people. Their end is perp-
etual destruction.
24II You remember Mary of
scarification and reviles for our
25 Mediate about the sisters of
Lazarus who served the Lord
and helped for the expansion of
the kingdom of God.
26 Pay attention to the living faith
of the woman, who is bleeding
The Salvation is the Gift of God
who came to eternal physician
the lord.
27-28 Her faith is living and
strong by getting the thing done.
Didn’t hear about Herodias?
She had been thrown for the
perpetual hell. Grasp the service
of daughter of Phanuel.
29 So many of your sisters, with
the devices of Satan, getting
tread under his feet.
30 There is no dampness or
wetness in them, getting dried
and getting suppressed under the
thorny bushes, I am commands
you in the Lord’s name that you
have to help such people.
31II Didn’t hear the hope of wo-
men who lost her coin and sear-
ched caught it back?
32-33 Like that woman who
lived in the sins, caught by the
holy one and understood the se-
cret of the worship, who are
now–a- days who are worship-
ping our lord like her? Some of
the relatives of the Satan are
trying to put obstacles and stop-
ping the women to worship
God, woe to them; and the hell
will be their home.
34 What is the first work of the
Satan? They don’t know that
Salvation through Born Again
only thing to stop the people
mean men and women to worshi-
pping the all glorious, powerful
and the greatest God,
35 they are being used in the
hands of the angle of darkness,
so you have to take care in
worshipping the God in all times.
36 The people like Ananias and
Sapphira’s are multiplied now-a-
days, so beware of such people.
37II The works of Tabitha paved
the way for the expansion of the
kingdom of God; Lydia got the
fruits as the pillar of the establish-
ment of the kingdom of God.
38 Remember Damari, under-
stand the labor of Prisca, the wit-
ness of Phoebe is great, the effort
of Persis was not in vain.
39 Rufus mother is an exemplar
mother, the faith of Eunice are
increased hundred folds. These
all such women are your sisters
who are before you.
40 So you also must be like the
reverenced and praised one, you
must have great witness for that,
41 get decorated with the good
works, being silent in the chu-
rch, learning with complete obe-
dience, help the preachers of the
word of God. You did not teach
The Salvation is the Gift of God
the word of God in the church,
showed the obedience, so you
were more blessed.
42-43 Have nothing to do with
irreverent, silly myths woman for
spending time which are unholy,
not getting decorated with costly
clothes, Gold and hairstyles,
showing your development and
victory so clearly visible to ever-
yone, be the great vessel, do not
have the wrinkles and spots on
44 getting developed with good
teaching, being obedient to the
word of God, but let your ad-
orning with the imperishable or-
nament of gentle and quiet spirit,
45 so, you should not have the
judgments like that of the pros-
titute sitting on expanded waters
will get,
46 you should be live the glory
and victory to the name of God,
I am writing this to you as a dis-
ciple of Christ Jesus.
47 II Finally beloved Sister, who
is in the Christ and called for
glorious throne with eternal king-
dom; I, man of God and urge
you, our Lord made you free
from law of Moses, that is why
I stir you up about the definitions