Salvation through Born Again
of scriptural gospel, scriptural
Born Again and repentance
according to the word.
48 I remind you that, definition
about the scriptural gospel is:
Christ died for our sins according
to the Scriptures, that He was
buried, that He was raised on the
third day according to the Scrip-
49 Definition about the scri-
ptural Born Again is: Being
forgiveness of Sins by Jesus or
Attaining Sins forgiveness by
50 According to our lord met-
hod of Born again: Through
Water and Spirit.
The Salvation is the Gift of God
51 Definition about the repe-
ntance: When the sinner Born
Again after that leaving the dead
works that means ransomed
from the futile ways inherited
from fore fathers.
52 Oh sister, I remind you these
heavenly truths. You do not for-
get any time this heavenly
truth’s. It gives richly provided
for you into the kingdom of
God. So, live to others an exem-
plar life. Preach them these and
be strong with the help of word
of Christ.
53 The grace of the Lord be
with you forever and ever,
Salvation through Born Again
The Salvation is the Gift of God
The Epistle of Vinod Tirzah the Disciple of the Christ Jesus to the
VINOD TIRZAH, a discip-
le of Christ Jesus, to the Presid-
ents and the Prime Ministers unto
the end of the earth.
2-5 May the grace of God,
freedom redemption forgiving of
sins from Christ Jesus, the fullness
of godhead and the second per-
son in trinity and His Son, and
the Holy Spirit, who is always co-
mforting in all situations of affl-
ictions, which means grace, mer-
cy and peace be abundantly sup-
plied to you.
6 Presidents, Prime Ministers, I
am giving thanks to the majestic,
Holy and Living God, who
created all the creation with His
word, for giving me the grace to
speak to you through this epistle.
7 Because, Satan three times
hindered me from writing this
epistle upon your name but as
the grace of God showered upon
you, He helped with His right
hand and made me write this
epistle to you.
8 He commanded with stating
that - I chose you and appointed
you that you should go and be
a witness to the Presidents and
the Prime Ministers that those
who are ordained to eternal life
may believe in the scriptural gos-
pel and
9 also - You shall also be a
crown of glory in the hand of
the Lord, And a royal diadem
in the hand of your God
10 and - the righteous will
inherit the earth.
11 That is why O Presidents
and Prime Ministers! Let my
words be rooted in your hearts.
I remember your in all my
prayers to the living God that
you may always be healthy, not
taken in any sinful acts not be
addicted to bad habits and par-
takers in the knowledge of the
Word of God, helping the peo-
ple in their troubles, wiping their
tears in their sorrowful situati-
ons, ruling according to His will,
12 helping to those who are in
need on His behalf, and to be a
refuge to the orphans, helpful to
the aged.
13 So I request to be mindful