Salvation through Born Again
oil in the flasks and get ready to
face, like the wise virgins.
16 Like Rachel who watched the
herds of his father, you also have
to serve the food to hungry she-
ep; the time of coming the own-
er has come nearer.
17 You have try your best to get
praised by the God that you are
good and faith. I alert you that
you should not be like Miriam
who opposed against Moses
who had been chosen and appo-
inted by the God.
18 What happened to her? She
had been expelled out for seven
days from the village, isn’t it?
19 All of them who are not hav-
ing the Born Again, she had been
expelled to participate sev- en
years in torture, get the punis-
hment for that period.
20 But you should show the
braveness like Jochebed who
made a basket of bulrushes and
daubed it with bitumen and pit-
ch saved the child and showed
the boldness by not being afraid
of the order of the king.
21 By being the gentile, you have
started with the army of the living
God with life, so you are blessed,
leaving this world, you had been
The Salvation is the Gift of God
the participant in the kingdom of
promises of God with the people
of the God. You are the worthy
of the grace of God.
You had been redeemed from
the Jericho life of Rahab and
made eligible to have the wealth
of the saints in the heaven,
2 so do not forget that your wit-
ness was written in the book of
life of God; as she saved all the
people in her house,
3 you also have to search chil-
dren of God to be saved and
save them. You have to search
the wheat in between the weeds.
4 Show the boldness like Deb-
orah and like Jael attack the ruler
of the dark kingdom drove the
peg into his temple and hosts the
flag of the victory.
5 You consecrated your body
to God for the holiness like the
dau-ghter of Jephthah, so the
holiness is your strength.
6 Do not be caught in the friend-
ship of people like Delilah’s, you
have to proclaim the scriptural
gospel, they have to take the
new birth, then ok, if not do not
give the even the opportunity to
Salvation through Born Again
speak with you!
7II You have to show the hope
like Ruth, there are no one now
a days like Ruth who has the love
towards the God. So,
8 you have to show such love.
You are ready by doing the bath
of the rebirth, anointing on your
head, wearing the garments of
salvation beauty, joy and prais-
ing, having the food of the word
of manna, as shoes for your feet,
having put on the readiness given
by the gospel of peace of the
good news of solution,
9 you are ready to meet your
master. So you must have the
stable wisdom and like Hannah
who is humble in heart you must
know the power of praying.
10 You should not forget your
divine vows; you must pay ever-
ything that you have promised to
the lord.
11 As Hannah is vexed by her
rival, you are also vexed with the
wrong teachings entered in wro-
ng ways, such type of preachers
and such religious Babylon, so
show your patience.
12 Remember always Jesus,
bear the persecution of His cross,
be an exemplar in the longsuffe-
The Salvation is the Gift of God
ring and give the fruits of the
spirit in plenty.
13II Have the works of the kn-
owledge finished like that of
Abigail, your power is little, yet
God knew it and give his wit-
ness about you. Kept word of
God don’t say that you don’t
know that, like that of Philadel-
phia who gave the witness for
14 you have to do the ideal ser-
vice of that widow who gave
the feast to Elijah and who exp-
erienced the abundantly even in
the draught.
15 Where are the noble women
now-a-days like her who gave
the feast to Elisha? The women
are busy in decorating them-
selves and making their hearts
getting away from God,
16 they are not at all thinking
about the expansion of the king-
dom of God, about the great
glory of the heaven, they are not
thinking about the holy life and
about the eternal life,
17 they are always do concen-
trating on the corruptible earthly
things only, so you have to fast-
ened on the belt interest conti-
nued in the expansion of the