Salvation through Born Again
works that means ransomed
from the futile ways inherited
from forefathers.
39 Oh church, again, I’m remin-
ding you these heavenly truths
with the help of word. You do
not forget any time this heavenly
truth’s. It gives richly provided
for you into the kingdom of God.
The Salvation is the Gift of God
So, live to world an exemplar
life. Preach them entering into
the kingdom of God and be
strong with the help of word of
40 May the unchanging great
God’s grace, peace and glad-
ness be with you forever and
ever, Amen!
Salvation through Born Again
The Salvation is the Gift of God
The Epistle of Vinod Tirzah the Disciple of the Christ Jesus to the
Vinod Tirzah,a disciple of
Jesus Christ, your brother, to our
lovely sister Worldonica,
2 who are safeguard by the life
in Christ, greetings to you,
3 loved by God, the father and
pardoned by the savior of the
sinners and his beloved son Jesus
Christ and sealed by the Holy
4 dear sister, you know very well
how God loved us, He made hi-
mself nothing (empty) to save us,
5 He loved us more than His life,
released us from the powers of
darkness kingdom, He cut off our
ties to make us fly high and hig-
her, He made us free lives,
6 He made us along with himself
eligible to His throne. Be glory
forever and ever!
7II Sister! I am reminding you this
thing. That Is – Your horns are
made of iron and your hoof made
of bronze,
8 so, as you tread and thresh on
grains and filter the waste with
“word of winnowing fan”, you
have been appointed by the God
to tread and thresh to the many
peoples, so I stir you up.
9 You have such great honor, so
you have to leave every fruit that
looks precious. I remind you not
to be like weak as Eve.
10 You have to be alert about
the temptations of the devil who
is the dragon and do not let them
reach you and raise the flag of
Jesus Christ and make them run
away from you.
11 Do not give access like Sara
to the fast deeds, about his pro-
mised son, she rebuked by Him
and strengthen in her faith.
12 The spirit of God told me that
you are also waiting for your
own man like Rebekah who left
her home and went to meet her
beloved, so get ready.
13II Behold! To take you, the
vehicle called cloud has come
and the friend of the brideg-
room, his relatives,
14 all the family of the heaven
are started. Time has come, so
you should not be like the foo-
lish virgin,
15 get everything ready, fill the