The Georgia Police Chief Fall 2021 | Page 41

FALL 2021 41
put them forward as part of the face of your department . Open lines of communication and interaction between them and formal as well as informal community leaders , faith-based organizations , educators and other civic groups . Encourage their involvement in your department ’ s social media efforts . Put the prospective candidates in positions to interact with elected officials and city managers or administrators at every opportunity and every public meeting . This builds a rapport , relationship and mutual respect that enhances the possibility for promotion from within .
Many managers and elected officials may want to look outside when it comes time to name a new chief . If there are problems within the agency or it is not performing as they and / or the community expects , this is an appropriate response . However , if things are going well , the department is respected in the community and is successful in creating partnerships , preventing and reducing crime ; promoting from within is the way to proceed .
For most police officers , change is disconcerting . It is mostly the fear of the unknown . When officers know and respect an internal candidate , there is less stress as this candidate will be a known entity . A chief coming in from the outside will put his or her stamp on the agency and rightfully so . However , these changes can be disruptive to the organization , especially if undertaken too quickly . Even a chief promoted from within will make changes that take a department to the next level as he or she should . In today ’ s environment and with the national narrative , it is imperative that officers feel supported by the agency head . When they see the elected officials and managers supporting the internal candidate , it builds trust and stability that allows them to go out and do their job .
I have been fortunate in my career as officers I ’ ve supervised , managed , trained and led have gone on to lead their and other agencies . This is my most significant contribution to law enforcement . I am proud of them , celebrate their success and know that those departments are in good , capable hands .
Chief Roy Whitehead ( RET .) has more than 50 years of law enforcement experience , including 44 years as sworn law enforcement officer and 29 years as a chief . He retired as Chief of Snellville Police in July 2021 .

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