The Georgia Police Chief Fall 2021 | Page 40

Chief Roy Whitehead ( RET )
40 FALL 2021


Chief Roy Whitehead ( RET )

For an organization to be successful , there needs to be a plan for succession . In today ’ s environment , the average tenure for a chief is approximately three years . The reality is , the smaller the agency , the shorter the term in office in most cases . Chiefs do remain in office for fifteen years or more , but it is not common .
The critical piece is to ensure the hiring of qualified personnel with integrity . Identify the stars among them and reap the benefits of their labor . As Ronald Reagan said , “ there is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don ’ t care who gets the credit .” Create the environment for them to successful . Intelligent , prepared , caring , honest and professional officers comprise a pool of prospective and successive leaders .
I have had many mentors throughout my career and believe I have mentored others . I learned so much from chiefs like Tate Brown , Ronnie Chandler , Reuben Greenberg and Sheriff Al Cannon . Chief Brown taught me early on that the officer in the zone , area or beat is the chief of police for his or her area of responsibility . The organization chart is an upside-down pyramid with everyone above the line level officers providing them
resources , guidance ( as necessary ), technology and creating an environment for them to succeed .
Many chiefs and managers believe that knowledge is power and don ’ t want to provide a subordinate with an opportunity to take their position . I have always believed that everyone in the organization should want my job . If they do , they will perform at the highest levels . In presentations , I always say that our department is great in spite of me and not because of me . People agree , but always say that the tone is set from at the top . To be successful , there must be an environment to succeed .
Observe your personnel at all levels and entrust the ones most up to the challenge with additional responsibilities . Delegate to them , but remember you can only delegate authority and not responsibility . Involve them in every aspect to the organization . As they rise through the ranks , include them in budget preparation , community involvement , partnerships , strategy , policy-making and decision-making as the opportunities arise .
More importantly , involve them in the community and

40 FALL 2021