The Georgia Police Chief Fall 2021 | Page 39

FALL 2021 39
References 1 . DiMaio , TG & DiMaio , VJM ( 2006 ). Excited delirium syndrome : Cause of death and prevention . Boca Raton , FL : CRC Press . 2 . Chan , TC ( 2006 ). Medical overview of sudden deaths in-custody , In D . L ., Ross & T . C . Chan ( Eds .), in Sudden deaths in custody ( 9-14 ). Totowa , NJ : Humana Press . 3 . Salvato v . Miley , No . 14-12840 ( 11th Cir ., 2015 ). 4 . Ebberhart v . State of GA , No . S19A0803 ( November , 2019 ). 5 . Kroll , MW and Brave M ( 2020 ). Defending non-firearm arrest-related death incidents . International Municipal Lawyers Association , 2020 , Mid-Year Seminar , Washington , D . C .; 1-18 . 6 . Ross DL and Dunston M ( 2018 ). Officer-involved incident investigation guidelines ( 116-148 ). In DL Ross and GM Vilke ( Eds .) Guidelines for investigating officer-involved shootings , arrest-related deaths , and deaths in custody . Routledge Publisher , NY . 7 . Todd , L ( 2018 ). Effective agency response to the media in use of force investigations ( 305-314 ). In DL Ross and GM Vilke ( Eds .) Guidelines for investigating officer-involved shootings , arrest-related deaths , and deaths in custody . Routledge Publisher , NY . 8 . International Association of Chiefs of Police ( 2016 ). Office-involved shootings : A guide for law enforcement leaders . Office of Community Oriented Policing Services , Washington , D . C . 9 . National Institute of Justice ( 2011 ). A guide to death scene investigation . Washington , DC : Office of Justice Programs . www . nij . gov / topics / law-enforcement / investigations / crime-scene / guides / death-investigation / pages / welcome . aspx
Dr . Darrell L . Ross , Ph . D ., is Professor and Department Head of the Department of Sociology , Anthropology , and Criminal Justice at Valdosta State University . He has published over 80 articles , 4 books , and 4 book chapters including Criminal Liability in Criminal Justice , 7th Edition ( 2018 ) and Civility Liability in Corrections ( 2005 ).
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