The Game - February 2014 | Page 5

Learner and Class Profile for Kristy Saunders’ Intermediate Classroom Jade Lemon Learner and Sensory Preferences Visual Other (individual goals) Use appropriate conversation cues and refrain from calling out. Other Preferences Enjoys discussion of material/new concepts. Prefers unstructured time and opportunities to be active. Interests Technology Video games Technology blogs and magazines. Thinking Style Concrete Sequential Learner and Sensory Preferences Visual and Auditory Intelligences bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (or body smarts) Jacob Plum Thinking Style Abstract Random Intelligences logical-mathematical intelligence (or number smarts) spatial intelligence (or picture smarts) Howie Banana Interests Poetry American Civil War poetry and modern poetry Other (individual goals) Other Preferences Structured time and lessons. Scaffolded instruction, time lines and use of concrete materials. Interests Fiction and Nonfiction (Biographies) Romance and Mystery Music Thinking Style Concrete Random Learner and Sensory Preferences Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Intelligences verbal-linguistic intelligence (or word smarts) spatial intelligence (or picture smarts) Other (individual goals) Other Preferences Enjoys unstructured problem solving and cooperative learning forums