Name: Indhia Duncan.
Studying: Bachelor of Laws/International Relations.
Position: Secretary.
What made you want to become a part of BIAS: the opportunity to try
to work towards bettering the future of indigenous Australians, as well as
raising awareness about cultural differences and similarities within the
community was too good to miss. The experiences within the society,
particularly the social justice trip, have been amazing and life changing.
What do you do to advocate social justice: Apart from the initiatives
undertaken by BIAS, I try to advocate ideas of equality and to give people
a different perspective than they may have considered before, particularly
within a younger community.
Name: David Tyquin
Studying: Bachelor of Business/Commerce
BIAS Position: Social Director
What made you become a part of BIAS: I became a part of BIAS so that I could
use the opportunities I have been given and make an impact and help on a
local level. More so to try and teach and learn with the aboriginal people, "Close
the Gap," and have fun!
What plans do you have for the future: I have lots of ideas, but but things like
having Res events, simple gatherings and then smaller things like food stalls,
music, stuff like that. But basically I would ultimately like to start small and end
up relatively big with large functions and involvement resulting in large
fundraising capacity.