The Fight for Joy The Fight for Joy | Page 24

Still, in the discourse on Gods love, Paul highlights Gods love as the down payment of a constant working of all things for our good. Romans 8:28 says, “That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.” MSG The message here is revolutionary. Every detail of our lives whether we can understand it or not is work- ing for our good. Everything that happens – the seemingly good, bad and ugly is working for our good. Some of the evil that God works for good we will see this side of heaven but the others – one day we will see. This is legit one of the hardest things to believe but I’ve found a way to help me believe it. I hope that it helps you too. I believe and tell myself that when all said and done and I come to the end of my life and enter in heavens rest, from the eternal heavenly perspective I will be able to view my life in a video like a movie where I can easily go to beginning middle and end. It is then that looking back I will see all the ‘bad’ things God was working for good. It won’t be uncommon from that perspective for us to awe about how God used the death of a loved one to lead us to meet someone who leads us to another who probably leads us to our future partners or future careers or something. God is the ultimate epic plot writer and most of his plots we won’t fully understand till we get to heaven but I am sure that everything adds up. And what is our assurance that God will consistently work all things for our good? The indisputable fact which is the theme of all scripture that God loves us evidenced by the historically indisputable death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God’s love is the down payment for our eternal security and destiny. It is what produces God’s joy which is our strength. God’s love is the real oxygen behind O 2. 17