5) Which is the best way, according to
you, to keep one's mind and body
healthy? Healthy living and wellness al-
ways go hand in hand.
Ans) I wish to reach out to each and every In-
dian out there and tell them that just keeping
aside one hour a day for health and fitness
will go a long way in making the passing
decades easier on the mind and body . In-
stead of eating three heavy meals a day, we
should divide our day’s food consumption into
many short meals which we can consume
every two hours. A minimum of seven hours
sleep every night is required daily to stay fit
and healthy. We must try to achieve a bal-
ance in what we eat. This will ensure our bod-
ies get everything they need.
One of the essential uses
of Antigravity involves its
usage for therapy and it
can be used to cure people
8) A common mistake tha
Ans) Normal people who w
with the popular trend that
ally they are not working th
ages their systems further