Ans) When writing my books I
kept one thing in mind that one
should pick up a book which has
a lot of detail and informative
and took it off from there. Take
my book for instance ‘From Xl to
Xs’ I have mentioned stars as
well as common individuals body
types, real life instances, pictures as well as steps on how to
go about doing the exercises,
When I wrote my book I kept one
thing very clear in my mind that
this book was going to be for
everyone taking every body type
PAYAL SIGNS HER BOOK DURING THE BOOK LAUNCH and problems people face, medical issues as well as self esteem
issues into consideration. Here
When I wrote my
and relate to the stories and
book I kept one thing
work on the same.
very clear in my
mind that this book
was going to be for
everyone taking every
body type
What are the common problems that you feel can be tackled by doing YOGA ?
Ans) My husband and myself
both went to the kaivalyadhama
school of yoga but we practice
our own modification of yoga
which we feel will suite our
clients as we always make it a
point to understand our clients’
needs and their body. Many people expect results but don’t realize what extent of damage they
are putting their body’s at and we
are here to understand that and
take it to a different level our
modifications are done to suite a
person’s need and requirement.