The Farmers Mart Dec-Jan 2018 - Issue 54 | Page 61

HIGHFIELD FARM 61 • DEC/JAN 2018 “My great grandfather came here in 1904 over the past 30 years, often barns and and my grandfather Herbert took the farm derelict buldings. business on further that led to it becom- Tim is married to Kath and they have ing H. Garside & Son. It is tenanted from two other sons Frederick who has recently the Dartmouth Estate and we have some qualified as an architect and Edward who additional land up at Thirsk that we own. is presently studying economics at Durham We also own the buildings and houses here. University. Tim also has a sister Louise and Herbert and my dad Richard, who passed mum Pauline is still involved too. Kath and away two years ago, were involved when a James’ wife Sally look after the office side lot of cattle were being shipped over from of Rumpus. Ireland. They used to supply numerous Harry is delighted with the way Rumpus co-operative wholesale outlets and had has started and made such an impact. upwards of 30 we were buying for at one “At university we were always encour- time on 22 different accounts.” aged to look at ways of diversifying and Tim’s brother James runs the Garside De- this has been a real collective family effort. velopment Company that designed Rumpus Our Longhorn beef is something everyone 68436 - TownsonTractors - QUTR.pdf 1 15/11/2017 16:25:25 and has developed around 50 properties should try as it is fine grained, well marbled ‘ Harry brought some of their Longhorn beef back home from their butchery and it was mind blowingly succulent and extremely tasty ’ and with current talk of local provenance and low food miles you can’t get much better than being able to tell customers that the beef has only come from 1200 metres away up the hill. We’re also giving custom- ers the theatre that the pizza restaurants give when they make theirs. Here our customers can see everything. There’s no hiding place and we have a great team employing five at busy times and a full-time chef.” With burger names like Black & Blue, Fear the Beast, Tex Mex and Leaf Eater they’ve clearly thought about their cus- tomers and your lips are already moist thinking about the burger before you get it, but there are those in groups or parties that may not want beef – heaven knows why. The Garsides have thought about them too. “We have sourced local chicken, but really we’re letting the beef talk and cause a Rumpus,” says Tim. C M Y CM Towson Tractors are pleased to be associated with the Garside family and we wish them continued success for the future MY CY CMY Tel: 01729 850374 Fax: 01729 850315 E: [email protected] K West End | Hellifield | North Yorkshire | BD23 4HE