The Farmers Mart Dec-Jan 2018 - Issue 54 | Page 62
DEC/JAN 2018 •
John Carr is a fourth-generation farmer at
Cleveley House Farm in Lancashire. The farm was
originally purchased by his great grandfather
back in the 1930’s from the Wynesdale Estate.
Since then the farm has been greatly expanded
upon, and then in 1970 the farm was divided in
two between John’s father and Uncle. John is
joint owner of the farm along with his mother,
and runs the farm with his partner Nicola.
JOHN has been farming since he was a
small boy, way back when the herd was
milked in the cattle sheds, which is now
where the shop is situated. Today the farm
consists of 150 acres, split into 90 acres
near the farm buildings reserved for graz-
ing, whilst another 60 acres further afield
which is utilised for heifer rearing and si-
lage. The farm has always been profitable,
but 5 years ago John and Nicola faced the
challenge of falling margins from the year
round calving system.
The farm currently supports 150 Friesian
Jersey cross dairy cows, along with 60
replacements. Previously John had a herd
of 100 Holstein Friesians, but switched to
Friesian Jersey’s to help improve profitabil-
ity. He also changed the emphasis of mak-
ing lots of silage to focus on grazed grass
approach. John runs a spring block calving
system, which allows them to utilise as
much grass as possible, reducing the need
to rely on bought in supplements.
The grazing platform on John’s farm is
split into 21 smaller paddocks, which allows
him to operate a rotational grazing system
and graze the grass at the right
stage (2600 Kg of Dry Matter
per Hectare) and leave a
residual in the paddock
of approximately 1500-
1600 Kg of Dry Matter
per Hectare. This has
proved to be the most
efficient way to graze
grass throughout the
growing season.
On the farm are two
types of track, the first type
is made utilising second hand
railway sleepers and the second is
hardcore blinded with Limestone dust with
the addition of second hand AstroTurf as
the top layer. The AstroTurf has proved to
be great, as it provides cushioning for the
hooves and the herd are less likely to pick
up stones. Also, the mud seems to wash
straight off the AstroTurf.
Though it’s a tricky job
to lay because each roll
weighs approximately half a
tonne and once down it’s a tad
difficult to adjust. Its not something you
can easily move and adjust like you would
with a carpet.
John implements the spring block calving
grazing system because it allows him to
make best use of grass without the need of
expensive machinery, which in turn creates
a resilient business without relying on ex-
pensive inputs.
Machinery costs have been successfully
reduced, with the farm now running a cou-
ple of MF390’s, Kramar 312LX and a MF135,
fertiliser spreader and more recently a
mower to help with pasture management.
These models were chosen because they
were right for the size of the farm, as well
as being easy to run and maintain. For
all other field
operations John uses local
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contractors, whom have provided a good
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John Carr
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