The Farmers Mart Dec-Jan 2018 - Issue 54 | Page 60

60 HIGHFIELD FARM DEC/JAN 2018 • 68596 - JGPears - QUTR.pdf 1 20/12/2017 16:08:33 All the beef we sell is our own and the burg- er recipe is something we thought about for a long time. Our classic burger has the bone marrow that gives an intense flavour rather like tasting a full bodied red wine. “Our Longhorn burger has 20 per cent fat and if you showed most customers that before cooking they would probably have reservations but when they eat you can see the look of satisfaction on their faces. “Our male commercial cattle are sold at 8-9 months and go to David Brownridge who takes them to Selby livestock market. We keep females as replacements and anything else goes to Mettricks.” Today’s 68580 farming operation is run across - RMSimpson - 8TH.pdf 1 21/12/2017 10:49:14 930 acres including around 425 acres of C M Y CM MY CY CMY K We offer collection and Disposal services for all categories of fallen stock and animal by-products, servicing butchers,abattoirs, farmers and catering establishments moorland. They have approximately 300 acres of mowable area from which to har- vest grass for silage. In addition to the cattle Tim and Harry buy-in a couple of thousand sheep, bought as store lambs in the autumn, over wintered and sold on during the year. They also operate a collection centre, which fits well with their other main activity. “We buy mainly Texel X store lambs from Bentham livestock market and out of Scot- land. We’re involved with a lot of wholesale butchers as I buy and sell livestock. I’m a regular at Selby, York and Thirsk markets every week.” Trading livestock has been par for the course among Tim and his forbears for many years. C M ANIMAL BY-PRODUCT RENDERERS, MANUFACTURERS OF TALLOW & PROTEIN MEALS Y CM JG Pears wishes Tim Garside continued success for the future Tel: 01226 762175 Fax: 01226 762512 Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07825 064906 Head Office: Bella Vista Farm, Hartcliffe, Penistone, Sheffield. S36 9FN MY CY Hedging + Cultivation Work Grass Drilling • Foraging Grass + Maize Rear Discharge Muck Spreaders • Round + Square Baling & Wrapping Dribble Bar Unbillical + Tankers + Bobcat Loading Shovels + Spreaders + Trailer Hire CMY K 'Proud to be associated with Tim Garside and wish him luck in the future' Copley Spring Farm, East Bierley, Bradford [email protected] Mobile: 07973 112234