Middlefields Farm |
‘ Andrew ’ s herd average is currently 9800 litres and his Holstein Friesian cows are now housed indoors all year round ’ |
You think you know what you are feeding your cows but you really haven ’ t a clue until it comes out on the print-outs . You can soon find out that you ’ ve over-fed them . Using the new Keenan has meant that I have saved myself around £ 700- £ 800 a month by feeding what is right . When times are hard everyone looks for efficiency and that ’ s where |
the Pace technology comes in and where you can see day on day how much it is costing to produce a litre of milk .
‘ The Pace technology clocks everything that is going through the machine . My In-Touch Keenan feeding specialist Chris Lord tells me there are three diets – one that the nutritionist sets , the one fed to the cows and the
one the cows actually eat . The Pace technology manages this so that all three are the same or as close as they can be . This way you ’ re putting in what the nutritionist is telling you and it is then being mixed in such a way that animals are not being selective over it as it is more palatable .’
‘ I can now go to a screen and tell you what has been