Middlefields Farm fed out of the machine and how much it has cost and saved me , whether I have under fed or over fed . It is traceability that doesn ’ t lie and you can ’ t hide thinking that you ’ ve done it right if you haven ’ t .’
‘ I ’ d say three things have got us through the past two years of low prices . First would be the Keenan wagon with its Pace technology for its efficient feeding ; second would be the new feed shed we invested in that enables us to buy feed cheaper ; and thirdly scaling back machinery and going with contractors .’
Andrew ’ s herd average is currently 9800 litres and his Holstein Friesian cows are now housed indoors all year round . His milk goes to Payne ’ s Dairies in Boroughbridge .
‘ Our new shed is high welfare status and very clean with 18ft passages and sand beds . We produce our own replacements and had been running at around 22 per cent . In the next 6 months I think that could be as low as 18 per cent . We sell beef calves at 2 months old .’
‘ We stopped with Dairy Farmers of Britain right until nearly the death . We got out a month before the business collapsed moving to Wensleydale Creamery and we were with them for two years before joining Paynes ’ Dairies .
Wensleydale was great and David Hartley is a great bloke but we couldn ’ t get the benefit of the milk he wanted for cheese and so we went for the liquid market . Our milk fits the Paynes ’ Dairies criteria .’
‘ The Pace technology clocks everything that is going through the machine ’
Middlefields Farm is run as a family partnership with Andrew , his father Michael and Andrew ’ s wife Gail .
‘ My grandfather William came here from Thornton le Dale in 1942 so I ’ m the third generation to farm here and Gail and I are wanting to future proof the business for our two young sons William ( 15 ) and Henry ( 5 ). We have worked with the bank and our consultants Kite on how to get the enterprise big enough to keep it right for them . What we hadn ’ t seen was a milk price of 18 pence a litre . Our worst case scenario had been 22-23ppl but it ’ s coming back up now and I ’ m sure it will come right again . I don ’ t regret any of the decisions we have made .’
INFORMATION , Andrew Avison , 01969 640000 / 07803 508691 are pleased to support Andrew and Gail Avison and all at Middlefield farm
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