Middlefields Farm
point that we were carrying a lot of machinery that was producing a big cost and that it wasn ’ t the most productive thing to have . I took the time to look at it closely and she was right . I decided to get rid of a lot of machinery worth around £ 200,000 that was probably quite controversial to some but it has worked .
‘ We now use Metcalfe Farms as contractors for much of the work the machinery undertook , but on the other hand we don ’ t have the cost of that machinery on our books any longer .’
Having offloaded machinery , Andrew did , however , purchase one machine that he feels has
‘ I decided to get rid of a lot of machinery worth around £ 200,000 ’
proved the most fundamental in keeping costs down and has given him far better feed management .
‘ I know to some it may have seemed stupid to come out of machinery yet then go out and spend £ 40,000 on a brand new Keenan mixer wagon but the point was that this was something that is more efficient . It is the Pace Technology that has been added that now makes it so appealing to dairy farmers .
Milking Machine & Dairy Hygiene Specialists
- Installations - Services - Dairy Chemicals & - Spares - Testing
Proud suppliers to Andrew Avison of Middlefield Farm & wish them all the best for the future
The right choice
GEA Milking & Cooling WestfaliaSurge
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GEA Farm Technologies
Auto Rotor Magnum 90
IQ Milking Cluster
Cover Bridge Farm , East Witton , Leyburn , North Yorkshire , DL8 4SQ
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