How clever are you ? Can you solve these riddles ?
i come from the sky on days with no sun , bringing life and relief while making you run .
what am I ? i can be mighty or i can be slight . my bark is tough , but i never bite .
what am I ? i can run but never walk . i have a mouth but never talk . i have a head but never weep . i have a bed but never sleep .
what am I ? i sleep by day and fly by night . i have no feathers to aid my flight .
what am I ?
i have no sword , i have no spear , yet rule a horde that many fear . my soldiers fight with wicked sting . i rule with might but am no king .
what am I ? with four oars , i paddle but am always at home . my back is like armor , tougher than chrome .
what am I ?
see page 22 for the answers !
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