The Explorer Magazine Winter Spring 2025 | Page 17

Tadpole Time

Young children are naturally curious ! Encourage their curiosity through fun and interactive introductions to nature in our Tadpole Time programs ! Each month will focus on a different topic and feature native animals , stories , crafts , nature exploration , and ideas for continuing exploration at home ! Identical sessions are offered at W . S . Gibbs Memorial Park and McCloud Nature Park this spring ! Dress for the weather as these sessions are outside .

Recommended for ages 2-5 years old with parent / guardian ( older siblings ages 6-7 are welcome to register also if they want to participate ). $ 3 / child
NEW YEAR WISHES ! Wednesday , Jan . 15 • 10 AM • McCloud Nature Park
Thursday , Jan . 16 • 10 AM • McCloud Nature Park
Welcome to the New Year ! What are you looking forward to ? Come share your wishes and hopes for the new year with our naturalists ! We ’ ll make suncatchers that will help brighten your year .
SEEDS OF LOVE Wednesday , Feb . 19 • 10 AM • W . S . Gibbs Memorial Park
Thursday , Feb . 20 • 10 AM • McCloud Nature Park
Love is in the air ! Share some love to our bird friends by making them a bird feeder valentine . A naturalist will discuss why we love these winged creatures and what seeds birds like best .
AMPHIB-A-WHAT ? Wednesday , March 19 • 10 AM • W . S . Gibbs Memorial Park
Thursday , March 20 • 10 AM • McCloud Nature Park
Big words for small critters ! Come learn about amphibians , like frogs , that are starting to hop about as they get ready for springtime ! We ’ ll also learn about tadpoles and what those silly amphibians have been doing all winter .
WACKY WORMS Wednesday , April 16 • 10 AM • W . S . Gibbs Memorial Park
Thursday , April 17 • 10 AM • McCloud Nature Park
What do you think about our wiggly worms that live in the ground ? Did you know these little guys make a big difference in our ecosystem ? Come explore the wonders of worms and dig up the truth about these soil-dwelling invertebrates . Come dressed to be warm and to get messy in the mud .
We love all of our guests and want everyone to feel welcome regardless of sexual orientation , gender , race , ability , or political / religious affiliation . Our parks are here to provide a respite from the conflict , stress and anxiety of today ’ s world , so we encourage everyone from all walks of life to find peace through the beauty and tranquility of nature .
If you feel unwelcome at our parks , or if you need assistance in enjoying what we have to offer , please feel free to contact our office at hcparks @ hcparks . net or at ( 317 ) 718-6188 .
Winter / Spring 2025 • 17