The Explorer Magazine Winter Spring 2025 | Page 15

As the seasons change over from winter to spring , there is one thing that we should all be celebrating : EARTH ! by Alex Weidman , Assistant Naturalist

Earth is unlike any other planet in our solar system , as it is the only planet to sustain living things . Our planet is home to millions of species including insects , mammals , birds , fish , amphibians , humans , and more ! Scientists have identified about 1.7 million species , though there are thought to be millions more that remain unknown . Earth is in the perfect spot to be a home for life .

Earth Day is a celebration that raises awareness about the need to protect our planet and how to act . We began celebrating our planet officially on April 22 , 1970 . There was a strong push to act by U . S . Senator Gaylord Nelson ( Wisconsin ) after a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara , California the year prior . This laid the groundwork and support for the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) and environmental policies such as the Clean Air Act , the Water Quality Improvement Act , as well as the Endangered Species Act .
While we are starting to head in the right direction , there are still many environmental issues on Earth . These issues include ( but are not limited to ) climate change , pollution , biodiversity loss , environmental degradation , and resource depletion . Many of these issues require substantial systemic changes to improve the current condition of our planet . If not addressed , so many aspects of our everyday lives will be affected , as well as the lives of other species worldwide .
The effects of climate change will lead to rising temperatures , rising ocean levels , negative impacts on agriculture , extreme weather , and more ; some of which we are already starting to see . Habitat degradation will continue to lead to a loss in biodiversity , causing certain species to become endangered and even extinct .
You may be asking yourself : “ What can I do to help ?” The possibilities are endless ! While no one person can fix all of the environmental challenges facing the world , little changes can add up . Try limiting your energy use ! By turning off lights and unplugging electronics that aren ’ t being used , you can increase your energy efficiency ( which saves you money too !) You can also increase your water efficiency by taking shorter showers and collecting rainwater for your garden .
A considerable source of pollution in recent years is the increasing influence of consuming fast fashion . The pressure of keeping up with trends has led to an overconsumption of clothing , electronics , and other gadgets . If we try to reduce our level of buying items whenever we want something new , and instead reuse and repair items , we can start to make an impact . Buying items secondhand can also be a great way to reduce your footprint !
Recycling is another good resource once an item has reached the end of its use . Check with your local recycling center to see what items they do accept , and what kind of condition the items should be in .
To help biodiversity , you can create a backyard habitat suitable for native wildlife !
And lastly , the best thing you can do is learn more about these issues and share what you know with others !
Photo credit NASA
Winter / Spring 2025 • 15