Hendricks County Parks & Recreation is teaming up with Hendricks County Senior Services to bring FREE programs to the Senior Center in Danville !
Join our naturalists at the Senior Center in Danville on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 12:30 to 1:30 p . m . for a FREE nature-themed program !
These programs take place during lunch at the Senior Center , and donations are accepted for lunch . The Senior Center partners with
MAKING CONNECTIONS : HOW TO CONNECT TO NATURE WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 22 Have you ever heard of Forest Bathing ? How often do you practice Grounding ? Does this sound like a bunch of new age Hokum ? That ’ s ok ! Come find out what it ’ s all about . Join one of our Naturalists as we talk about how you can connect to Nature in ways that may not seem so “ out there ”.
HERE BIRDIE BIRDIE … WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 26 The songbirds are coming back to Hendricks County . What kind of seed do you need to put out to draw them to your back yards ? What kind of plants will help keep them coming back again and again ? Let one of our Naturalists tell you about the best ways to feed the birds ! the Central Indiana Council on Aging ( CICOA ) to provide the meals . CICOA ’ s paperwork must be completed upon your first visit . Lunch is prepared by Hendricks Regional Health Hospital . To make a lunch reservation , please call ( 317 ) 910-5356 by 11 a . m . on the day before the program .
FANTASTIC FROGS WEDNESDAY , MARCH 26 Jeremiah was a Bullfrog ! Singing in my back yard ! Wait . That ’ s not , right ? The frogs are making their beautiful music again . Let ’ s talk about what you hear and what you can do to keep a good frog population at your home !
RERUNS … RERUNS … RERUNS WEDNESDAY , APRIL 23 Recycling isn ’ t a new concept , but it isn ’ t a well understood one either . Let us help you learn what can and can ’ t be recycled . We will look at what we all use every day and that we may not even know is a recycled product . We will also look at the many ways you can recycle in your daily life !
Hendricks County Senior Services www . hcseniors . org • ( 317 ) 745-4303 The Senior Center • 1201 Sycamore Lane • Danville , IN 46122
CICOA www . cicoa . org • ( 800 ) 432-2422
14 • www . HendricksCountyParks . org