Our Homeschool Ecology Series provides hands-on , ageappropriate , interactive activities about ecology topics . The programs are designed to build on each other , but students may register and attend only the lessons that interest them and fit into their schedules .
All programs are held at McCloud Nature Park . Programs for ages 6-11 are $ 5 per student . Programs for ages 12-18 are $ 10 per student . Advance registration required .
Please contact Park Naturalist Sarah Wolf at ( 765 ) 676-5437 or swolf @ hcparks . net for additional information .
Super Scientist Sleuth Friday , May 27 , 10 a . m . Ages 6-11
How many plants and animals can you track down ? You and your family can contribute to science by taking pictures ! It ’ s that easy ! Document the plants and animals at McCloud Nature Park so that scientists can use that information . Parents should bring a smart phone / device ( s ) for their children to use . Instructions about a free app will be emailed in advance .
iNaturalist Study Friday , May 27 , 1 p . m . Ages 12-18
You don ’ t have to wait until college to make discoveries ! Citizen science allows ordinary people to take pictures of the plants and animals that they observe , which scientists can then use to track trends . Students should bring a smart phone / device to use . Instructions about a free app will be emailed in advance .
Don ’ t Let Your Levee Break ! Friday , Aug . 19 , 10 a . m . Ages 6-11
Put on your hydraulic engineer hard hat for the day as you build a mini levee to hold back the flood ! You decide which materials might work best – will it be clay , plastic , cotton balls , or something else ?
Flood Follies Friday , Aug . 19 , 1 p . m . Ages 12-18
What does it really mean when a scientist refers to a 100- year flood ? What is a floodplain for anyway ? Discover these answers for yourself through demonstrations , analyzing data , simulated community planning , and more !
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