The Explorer Magazine Summer 2022 | Page 21

You , too , can be a scientist !

By Senior Park Naturalist Sarah Wolf
Below graphic source www . inaturalist . org

As a kid , did you ever dream of making a big discovery of a new plant , animal , or dinosaur fossil ? You haven ’ t missed your chance ! By participating in “ citizen science ” ( also known as “ community science ”), you can make observations , and who knows , maybe you ’ ll uncover a new species of insect or plant !

Citizen science is basically just crowd sourcing nature observations . Using free , and simple to use apps , such as iNaturalist , you simply take photos of your observations , share your observations , and if you don ’ t know the name of the insect or bird , fellow users assist with the identification . You do not need to be an expert , but I bet you ’ ll learn a lot , and you may even become an expert !
Your observations can be used by teachers and students in schools , by park managers to make management decisions , and by scientists world-wide . All iNaturalist observations are shared with scientific data repositories such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility . This information is helpful in tracking trends of species so that we can better help plants and animals who are in trouble .
iNaturalist is a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society and is available for Apple and Android devices . More information about iNaturalist can be found at iNaturalist . org . Teachers may consider using a free app called Seek . This app is kidsafe , with no log in or registration required , and it helps with identification of species based on the iNaturalist observations .
NOT SURE HOW TO GET STARTED ON YOUR OWN ? Consider borrowing one of the Adventure Backpacks with tablets and pre-loaded citizen science apps so that you and your family can make observations while at Hendricks County Park properties ! These packs are usually housed at the McCloud Nature Center and can be borrowed , first-come first-served , on days that the Nature Center is open ( see page 3 ). These packs are free to borrow , just leave keys or a driver ’ s license as a deposit .
READY TO GET STARTED ? WE WANT YOUR HELP ! We will be holding a monthlong BioBlitz in July and we want to see how many observations can be made at our properties ! Bring your smart device and hit the trails at McCloud Nature Park , W . S . Gibbs Memorial Park , and the Vandalia Trail and observe away ! ( iNaturalist observations are welcome at any time of the year , and you don ’ t need to wait until July .)
The number of observations will be shared in August .
Be sure to join the naturalists on Saturday , June 25 , 10 am at Gibbs or 2 pm at McCloud , for a tutorial on iNaturalist and other citizen science apps .
And watch for information in September about monarch tagging at the parks with Monarch Watch ! Catch monarchs and we ’ ll put tiny stickers on their wings with unique numbers . ( Don ’ t worry , this doesn ’ t harm them .) If the monarchs make it to Mexico , we ’ ll hear if our monarchs have been spotted !
WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CITIZEN SCIENCE ? Consider reading Citizen Science : How Ordinary People Are Changing the Face of Discovery by Caren Cooper which is our recommended book for adults .
HAVE KIDS WHO WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT CITIZEN SCIENCE ? Check out Citizen Scientists : Be Part of Scientific Discovery from your own Backyard by Loree Griffin Burns .
Summer 2022 • 21