The Evolution Magazine JULY 2024 | Page 26

Wellness ►

To Sunscreen

To Not Sunscreen … That ’ s the Burning Question …

by Tara Holm , contributing writer

Sunscreen is good . Sunscreen is bad . Sunscreen can prevent some skin cancers . Sunscreen can cause some cancers . What or Who do we believe ? How do we know what ’ s good for our bodies ? Let ’ s educate ourselves on the four S ’ s . Summer , Skin , Sunscreen , and the Sun .

Summer , according to Merriam-Webster . com : June 20 , 2024 , through September 22 , 2024 , the season between spring and autumn comprising the northern hemisphere , usually the months of June , July , and August or as reckoned astronomically extending from the June solstice to September equinox .
Summer in Missouri usually consists of the pool , BBQs , The Lake of the Ozarks , and anything outside ! We are outside a lot more during the summer than in the winter here in the Midwest .
Next up , Skin ! Our largest organ in the body . It ’ s made up of three layers : the epidermis , dermis , and hypodermis . It has three main functions : protection , regulation , and sensation . The skin plays a key role in protecting the body against pathogens and excessive water loss . Its other functions are insulation , temperature regulation , and the production of vitamin D folates .
According to Wikipedia . org , on January 11 , 2024 , biologists reported the discovery of the oldest known skin , fossilized about 289 million years ago , and possibly the skin from an ancient reptile !
Sunscreen may decrease your risk of skin cancers and skin precancers . Studies show that regular daily use of SPF 15 sunscreen , when used as directed , can reduce your risk of developing ( SCC ) squamous cell carcinoma by about 40 % and lower your melanoma risk by 50 %. Sunscreen should use sunscreen ! Babies over six months can safely wear sunscreen . There is a broad spectrum of sunscreens out there . It can be overwhelming to choose what ’ s best for your skin type . We should all be wearing 15 SPF and above . Thankfully , most makeup and moisturizer products contain some SPF protection . Now , if you ’ re picky about what goes on your skin like me and will only use natural ingredients , then the following is the super summer sunscreen recipe for you !
A report from the EWG ( Environmental Working Group ) found numerous sunscreen ingredients at unsafe concentration levels . Studies also found that some ingredients are absorbed and remain in the body for weeks , even after just one use .
This organic sunscreen recipe ( below ) doesn ’ t contain harmful ingredients like endocrine disruptors or compounds harmful to coral reefs . In fact , this waterproof sunscreen is made with effective active ingredients like aloe vera gel that could heal and protect the skin from burns . Plus , as a homemade version , I ’ ve added zinc oxide to protect the skin against UVA and UVB rays . In fact , zinc oxide is a non-toxic and effective broad-spectrum sunblock . So , I ’ ll take that as a win ! ( Pure zinc oxide powder can be found at Amazon . com .)
Ingredients :
● Coconut Oil –– contains natural SPF properties . It blocks only 20 % of the sun ’ s damaging rays .
● Aloe Vera –– a good active ingredient in homemade sunscreen . It ’ s been proven to treat and prevent burns on the skin .
● Shea Butter –– naturally protects skin , making it perfect for use in homemade organic sunscreen .
● Raspberry Seed Oil –– contains powerful antioxidants and vitamin E to help fight free radicals , renew skin cells , and improve tone / elasticity . It has an SPF against UVB rays of 28-50 and an SPF against UVA rays of around 8 .
● Zinc Oxide ( non-nano ) –– a non-toxic , effective broad-spectrum sunblock . The particles sit on the outermost layer of your skin , scattering and absorbing UVB rays , protecting the skin below .
● Walnut Extract Oil contains rich vitamins and minerals , making it beneficial for achieving smooth and youthful skin . It also protects against UV rays and is attractive to the sun . Additionally , due to its properties , it is effective in treating sunburn . Furthermore , due to its high content of essential fatty acids , walnut oil is excellent for moisturizing the skin before and during sun exposure .
From my experience and research , homemade sunscreens may not be as waterproof as mineral-based sunscreens . Also , they have a high or broad-spectrum SPF . That said , always remember that homemade
26 July 2024