The Evolution Magazine JULY 2024 | Page 27

versions may not protect as fully against the sun ’ s rays . Always avoid too much sun and not wearing any protection at all . It ’ s best to wear hats , sunglasses , and sun-wear clothing .
Ingredients for homemade sunscreen : ¼ cup Shea Butter for a spreadable consistency ¼ cup Coconut Oil ( natural SPF of 7 ) 2 tbsp Zinc Oxide powder ( natural SPF of 20 ) 1 teaspoon Red Raspberry Oil ( SPF 25-50 ) ¼ cup pure Aloe Vera Gel ( must be 50 % or higher pure Aloe ) 25 drops of Walnut Extract Oil for scent and an added SPF
Instructions : 1 . Combine everything except the zinc powder and aloe vera gel in a double boiler . 2 . Heat water to a simmer and melt all ingredients , stirring well to combine . 3 . Let it cool for several minutes before stirring in the Aloe Vera
Gel . 4 . Cool completely before adding Zinc Oxide . Mix well to make sure the zinc oxide is distributed throughout . 5 . Put a tight lid on a jar and shake well . Avoid breathing in the zinc powder . Wrap a towel around the jar to help when you shake it !
6 . Once the sunscreen has started to thicken but is still pourable , pour it into a glass container or a mason jar and keep it tightly sealed . Remember that glass and water do not go well together if you plan to use this sunscreen at the pool in the hottest months . Use a plastic container instead , and avoid adding any essential oils . The sunscreen has a shelf life of one year .
Here comes the Sun ! UV Rays and their effect on the skin . Did you know that there were three different types of UV Rays ? 1 . First , UVC Rays –– shortest waves , usually doesn ’ t penetrate the
Earth ’ s ozone layer . 2 . Second , UVB Rays –– longer waves that reach the skins surface .
Can cause surface tanning , burning , and signs of aging .
3 . Third , UVA Rays –– even longer waves that can penetrate deep into the skin ’ s surface releasing free radicals and causing DNA changes that can result in skin cancers .
Oh , the mighty and powerful sun ! It makes things grow and nourishes them ( and us ), but can also burn and cause pain , even death ! We all must take a little more responsibility for what we put on and in our bodies . This is one more little tool to add to your tool bag to make your “ Meat suite ,” aka the temple of a body , function and properly protect itself from the outside environment . www . naturemedmo . com
Happy July , Friends ! Love & Light , Tara
Tara Holm has over 12 years of experience in healthcare and over nine years in Personal Training and Wellness Coaching . She helps take care of your body from the inside out . She helps educate about Plant Medicine and ways it can help you find your balance in a healthy and maintainable lifestyle . She is a Clovr Brand Ambassador . Getting the right education out to the public about products has been and will continue to be her goal .
EXP . 07 / 31 / 24 ( evolu )
Notice : The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice , diagnosis or treatment , but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience . The content is for general informational purposes only .
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