The Evolution Magazine JULY 2024 | Page 25

A number of drug interaction studies have been done with CBD . One might assume CBD is inherently safe to consume with pharmaceutical drugs , but that ’ s not always the case , especially because of how CBD is processed by and interacts with the liver . 2 As for full-spectrum cannabis , there are few , if any , drug interaction clinical studies we can look to . What we do have are a number of clinical studies documenting drug interactions with Dronabinol ( Marinol ), the synthetic isomer THC pill . Dronabinol lists only a few and only minor drug interactions . Given that it ’ s been on the market since 1985 , if THC were causing serious drug interactions , we ’ d have heard of it long ago . Nevertheless , one should still do their homework .
It ’ s Not Too Hard to Figure Out
One can gain some rudimentary knowledge of the effects and potential risks of specific drug interactions by referring to the Drug Interaction Checker at Drugs . com . But to be especially safe , it ’ s still wise to consult with a pharmacist . Many pharmacists are cannabis-friendly ( often more so than MDs ). A prime example of this is The People ’ s Pharmacy ( peoplespharmacy . com ), which for many years has served “ as a watchdog of the medical and pharmaceutical industries , including the FDA itself .” Not only are they pro-cannabis ( and all things natural ) but they ’ ve hosted podcasts with medical professionals and psychiatrists on mushrooms ( yes , those kinds ).
Where it ’ s determined that consuming cannabis in conjunction with one or more pharmaceuticals incurs minimal risks , bear in mind the risk is unlikely to be zero . This is especially the case for heavy cannabis consumers . Go low and slow . Dose only to achieve the desired effects and no more .
References : https :// bit . ly / 4enZXs3 https :// bit . ly / 3L4cynb
Peter Kershaw is a medical cannabis consultant . Contact him at pkershaw . email @ gmail . com As with all writers within these pages , if you ’ ve benefited from Peter ’ s articles , please let him and all writers know . They appreciate your thoughts .
Notice : The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice , diagnosis , or treatment , but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience . The content is for general informational purposes only . As always , check with your doctor first .
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