The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Well‐Being The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Well‐Be | Page 4
Table 1. Health related benefits of companion animal ownership
Health benefit Benefits to owners Patients most affected
health Animal assisted therapy (AAT) People of all ages with various disorders
AAT with dogs and/or fish can increase
morale, eating habits and overall health
in Alzheimer patients
AAT increased attendance, decreased
violent behaviour, and increased
language and social skills in children
with ADHD
In clinical settings, AAT reduces stress
in children
Mental health
Owners are less likely to experience
loneliness and depression, as pets
provide social support (with similar
effects to human-human relationships),
and provide a sense of purpose
Older people with pets are less stressed
by major adverse life events than nonpet
Child development
Pets may play a role in the social-
emotional development of children,
including self esteem, autonomy and
empathy for others
Children who own pets show increased
trust, community feeling, safety, self
confidence and self enhancement
Adults (particularly during times of stress or
loss of a loved one), the elderly, socially
isolated, chronically ill (physical or mental)
or those with a terminal illness, and/or
physical impairment
Children and adolescents