The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Well‐Being The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Well‐Be | Page 3
Examples of the health related benefits of pet ownership are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1. Health related benefits of companion animal ownership
Health benefit
Benefits to owners Patients most affected
Cardiovascular health Adults and the elderly, in particular those
who are stressed, and/or have cardiovascular
Pets can help reduce stress and lower
blood pressure (eg. patting a dog or
watching fish swim peacefully in an
Pet owners show improved recovery
rates from heart surgery
Physical fitness (primarily for dog owners)
Dogs are great exercise partners and
provide social support
Dog owners are more physically active
(primarily though walking dog) and have
reduced risk of obesity and better
physical health
Immune system development
All ages, particularly those who are
physically unfit or overweight
Exposure to pets lowers the likelihood of
developing allergies