The Doon Mozaic (Hypocrisy in Education System of Uttarakhand) Hypocrisy in Education System of Uttarakhand | Page 16
for humanities or science. Eventually, these students start to loath the subjects
they study and will definitely find their jobs miserable. All this misery happens
due to the beliefs that our schools blindfold us with. Art is fairly synonymous
with creativity and art is looked down upon in our education system. Other than
hierarchy, another chief concern is that though many schools and colleges boast
of providing good quality Academic intelligence and the emphasis on good
grades to create an adverse effect on the creative abilities of a child. Students
who are creative and/or are artistically talented or gifted, are looked down upon
if they fail to successfully maintain good grades throughout their student lives.
Such attitude towards them makes them feel like their art is not as important as
studies and that maybe they are not as worthy as the other students around them,
this leads to a major inferiority complex in children and they never get the cour-
age to express themselves and portray their creativity in front of the entire
world. Students have started learning for grades rather than developing them-
selves and that is the biggest proof of the fact that the education system is cheat-
ing them and is majorly flawed. Students have made it a practice to study and
not learn. Students study for good grades, a good resume and a good Intelli-
gence Quotient (IQ). Students do not learn anything due to such studying. The
aim of studying should not be good grades but should be personality and crea-
tivity development. In the race to obtain a good IQ, we have forgotten all about
the importance of EQ, i.e., Emotional Quotient or Emotional Intelligence. A
person’s IQ can categorize her into certain intelligence blocks; however, it is
her EQ that defines the level of creativity in that person.Art and creativity are
directly linked to a people’s emotions and how they choose to look at the world
around them. It is absolutely distressing how easily our education system never
mentions and oversees the importance of EQ in a person’s life. This just shows
how creativity’s priority has taken a backseat in our education. It should not be
ignored that personalities like Walt Disney, JK Rowling and Elvis Presley, the
most creative souls the world has ever witnessed, are not as much educated as
one might expect. They excelled in their fields due to their high EQ and creativ-
ity level. Such is the power of creating something new out of nothing. Our edu-
cation system has turned us into robots, following every instruction we