The Doon Mozaic (Hypocrisy in Education System of Uttarakhand) Hypocrisy in Education System of Uttarakhand | Page 15
brought about a revolution in poetry. Nowadays, we are told to follow the exact
rhyming scheme to write down a sonnet, but wouldn’t come up with a whole
new rhyming pattern be more creative? Why are our creations forced to be the
slaves of the ideas of other men? Our schools make us believe that our thoughts
and ideas are not as important as the ‘theories’ and that we are not capable of
creating history. Also, the theories that are taught to us have been laid down so
long back, that it is striking how schools portray that modern creativity doesn’t
even exist. Even though there are many new advancements coming up in every
industry, nobody deigns to teach them to the young minds. Even today, we
study Shakespeare and Bukowski; and their
age-old writing styles. Poets like Lauren
Eden and Neil Hilborn do not stand any-
where close to entering our everyday text-
books, no matter how they have been revolu-
tionizing poetry and performing arts. The
fear of being wrong has been inculcated
within the souls of every child so deeply, th