There’s many a good tune …
by Kim Moody
But probably never again on this guitar.
It started with my daughter suggesting I
could ‘do something steampunky’ with an
inherited guitar. Nobody can play it, and it is
hardly a ‘Fender’, so it just hung around for a
Then one day, when all my other jobs were
finished, I pounced on it.
Off with the strings, on with the black gesso.
Then I mapped out the ‘exposed internals’.
These are all painted using
DecoArt Americana acrylics. A
few fibre board cogs have been
added, just because.
Next came the rusty, riveted metal plates. These are pieces of
heavy card, cut to size and stuck on using PVA glue. I’ve left a
slight gap between each one
so the detail is clear. The
‘rivets’ are self adhesive
The plates are given a coat
white gesso and DecoArt
Texture Sand Paste, applied
with finger, and not evenly
distributed. Texture is built up in places to look like