The Deconstruction of The Temporal-Single-System-Interpretation TSSI | Page 6

inputs and outputs are temporal, i.e., valued temporally, Marx’s holy economic equalities remain intact. Now, let us assume that Kliman’s economic model is a totality, comprising the only two economic branches in the economy. Indeed, this simplification is valid in the sense that Kliman does this sort of thing, i.e., simplification, throughout his book, Reclaiming Marx’s Capital. That is, he simplifies, reducing complex economies to two or three economic branches for the sake of clarity and edification. Consequently, let us say, the chemical sector remains as is, in the new economic model, while, the restaurants sector, due to various socio-economic conditions is in trouble, troubles of various kinds which seriously curtail the surplus value produced and lower profits into the negative. Industry C Eateries 100 Chem. 200 Total 300 k 30 40 70 s 8 8 16 s/C ᴨ/C 8% -10% 4% 16% 5.3% 7.3% ᴨ -10 32 22 w= k +s 38 48 86 p= k + ᴨ 20 72 92 At the end of the year, this totally new, independent, and separate economic model, different from Kliman’s example, has a surplus value measured at 16, with a value rate of profit calibrated at 5.3%. Total value is 86 while total price is 92, which is unequal. However, profit, due to catastrophic socio-economic conditions, is only registered at 22, while, in turn the price of production rate of profit is 7.3%, thus manifesting divergence in all of Marx’s holy economic equalities in the final analysis. In this newly constructed economic model, the eateries sector is produc